100%!! The work environment and atmosphere is amazing. It's always good to have people you can trust and who trust you. Being able to talk about everything and being able to vent not only at work but also outside having a drink and letting off steam. @zurine_martin, @kate_santoro, @alazne91 you are awesome girls!
Of course! Although it's important to maintain a professional relationship and not let friendships interfere with your work responsibilities, having a work bestie makes the job more enjoyable!
I feel it is important to have one, or maintain the same camaraderie with the whole team. Sometimes this can make it more competitive, and fun to work on
1. A reliable, professional, and dedicated colleague can motivate and increase productivity.
2. Relying on someone can reduce stress and create friendship.
3. Working with a partner can provide the chance to brainstorm, collaborate, and innovate, yielding rewarding results.
It takes a lot of maturity to stay within the thin lines and have an enjoyable workspace with one or more colleagues. People in that space are definitely having an advantage over others.
If you both like what you're doing in your company and generally enjoy the work, this is the best! Sharing the experience while being excited to work.
Someone to share a good work-related meme with is also really good to have :)
Absolutely! A coffee break with a bestie at the workplace is something to look forward to on tough weeks. Makes it a lot easier to get up in the morning and deal with traffic and tedious tasks!
I think it can be good and bad. The good is having someone you trust for support and no judgement. But, it can lead you to not make as much effort with others and if you, or they move on to other opportunities it can leave you feeling a little lost.
Of course, it is always more pleasant to work in the company of your friends. It may not always be productive, because it's a little distracting, but it's definitely more pleasant.
And you can read about productivity in our blog :)
You need someone to validate your thoughts and ideas and thats very human. A bestie at work does solve this social need in a professional env. Moreover, this does make work more enjoyable and incites collaboration among other team members but may end up making some people envy you as well :)
yes.. Of course! Forming friendship with colleagues can not only make work more enjoyable, but also provide valuable opportunities for knowledge sharing, collaboration and keeping abreast of important news and updates within the organization. I feel It is very important to make good friends in workplace, it helps you to learn from one another, and grow together.