I've always gotten a mixed review around working on weekends. Some prefer it to be a no work zone so they can start the work day week fresh but others like to mix it up.
What do you do?
Hi Richard! As a side project entrepreneur, the weekends are necessary for building products. Still, I find it easier to get the momentum during regular workdays.
Nearly 40 something founder with kids >> As such, weekends are entirely downtime with family + focus on kids, activities (music, sports clubs), weekly study catchups, movie nights etc. etc. 😅
@singhanurag The fact that you put your family on the first place is very honorable. I think also that weekends should be for focusing on other activities so you fill refresh, even some weekends there are times that need to log in for an hour. Keep up with the good work and I wish good health.
@singhanurag Family time is more important and critical. What is the point of becoming successful and then you cannot share the joy and happiness with them?
Life is all about being together and growing more and more.
I do work on weekends, sometimes. I try to avoid it as much as I can, but on a few occasions my work bucket gets so full on the weekdays, that a few of the tasks spill over the weekend.
I personally, mix it up. I tired for a while to have my Wednesday off, and have this break in the middle of the week. It was a very different experience, especially if you chose to go somewhere, it's not overcrowded as in the weekend. Love it!
If you build the products full time, maybe it's possible to afford not working on the weekends. But if you're pursuing a side-hustle to get some traction, then quit your job - weekends are your gold mine.
I do work on weekends but it's usually on side projects and exploration and/or learning-related endeavors.
Lately that weekend work has been so involved and deep that for some reason I end up kicking out of work early and "weekending" on Monday and Tuesday evenings.
I try to do the creative & enjoyable tasks for my side projects on the weekends and the "not-so-sexy-tasks" in the evenings of my workdays. That way I can still get a lot of energy on weekends and keep them as stress-free as possible.
@valaaarmorghulis This is a balanced model, also there are some not-so-sexy tasks which can't wait until the weekend so I like to utilize the business hours of the work week to the max. 👌
For my day job, I never work on weekends. If I’m not the one running the company, I can’t justify spending my spare time on it no matter how much I like my employers. For my side projects and my own companies, though, I absolutely work weekends. But even then, I try to keep it to just a few hours each weekend.
Yes, I work in the evening on weekends, just 2 -3 hours before bed. But I make a point to completely switch off from technology and work from waking up to the hour I start work. This helps being present with the family and other aspects of life that are not work.
Working weekend can be tiring sometimes, mentally if not physically.
But I think it all depends on the kind of perspective we have towards our work. I have observed that when I need to get something done which is really boring, I find myself super exhausted by the end of the day. But if I am working on some exciting personal project or experimenting new stuff which is twice time-taking and effort-taking, I still feel active and happy by the end of it.
So for me, doing some fun tasks works great on weekends and build a better base for the upcoming week.✨
Hey how's it going Richard, sometimes I lose track of time and end up working weekends. Usually happens when your so caught up in your work and having fun with what you are doing.
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