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Eren Nasıroğlu

How do you manage your time and stay productive during development sprints?

Yogini Bende
Prioritizing tasks is a key. I use focus sprints or the Pomodoro method to divide a day into small parts and then work on tasks accordingly. Helps a lot.
Rihab Zaidi
My team and I use timeboxing for efficiency, combined with a time-tracking tool to help us understand where our time is going, how it's being spent (see the apps we're using the most, whether it's a focus app, or collaboration, etc) and adjust our schedule if needed to make sure we stay focused on our goals.
Rohan Singhvi
I've seen that time-boxing is a great technique to do the same. Simple, clear and keeps you on your toes!
Sebastien Devaleriola
@nitin_joshi Timeboxing simply means that you open your calendar and enter a block of time that you'll spend on a certain task in the future. Instead of working on the task until it's done, you proactively decide how much time you'll spend on it and when (and even where). That way you limit yourself to a time, and not freely run arrond a task until it’s done. This can either be for yourself in smaller tasks or for entire teams in sprints (Scrum). It helps keep wasted time to a minimum as everyone knows what they have to do, when and for how long. Hope it helps, otherwise let me know.
Sebastien Devaleriola
@nitin_joshi Glad to hear! Are you working with sprint and development projects as well?
Nitin Joshi
@sebastien_devaleriola I am not from developer comunity I will just use this method in digital marketing projects.
@nitin_joshi I like the term time boxing, we call it time blocking here. I don’t like “blocking” sounds very limited
Martin Schumacher
I have a "structured" day. So every task and break is on a flexible schedule for the day. So to keep my focus straight I switch between tasks, breaks. e. g. developing, productHunt, meeting, lunch, developing... This always helps me recover my focus in developing. Mostly for me, it's harder to make a break instead of staying focused.
Bren Kinfa 💎 SaaS Gems
Prioritize. Take breaks. Recharge. Rinse and repeat.
Vaishnav Chandurkar
1. I breakdown whatever task assigned to me into more small chunks, this act as milestones for me. 2. Then time-box these task. I also work in focused hours, and short 5-10 minutes break between task or milestones. 3. I try to find unknowns before actually starting to work on task. It helps me to work faster and reduce rework, & missing edge cases
Amelia Charlie
Utilize time-tracking tools, minimize distractions, and collaborate closely within the team for focused and productive development sprints.
@amelia_charlie minimizing distraction can be so hard. Even blocking my calendar off people still bug me.
Katya Firyan
OMG, if only there was one answer to that. I guess, everyone does what works for them. I prefer working a bit on weekends to start Mondays from a clean slate and making sure I am not rushing into my week. Yoga helps a lot too 🧘
Alexandra-Rita Don-Baadom
How do I manage my time? Oh boy! The truth is right now (as I am working on my Everything site called Nova Informer), I work over 18 hours a day. Those 18 hours are spent writing, designing, tweaking things and so on and so forth. At this rate, I am going to crash big time 😔
@donalexandrarita you work 18 hours a day? Wow that’s dedication my friend. I hope you also take some free time to prevent burnout
Mansi Trivedi
Time bounded activities have always been a life saver for me!
Arlie Rutherford
Prioritize tasks using agile methodologies, set clear goals, and conduct regular reviews for efficient sprint execution.
Abigail Hernandez
I believe in iterative development. Regularly reviewing and refining my code during the sprint allows for continuous improvement and avoids accumulating technical debt.
Parker Molley
I've seen that time-boxing is a great technique to do the same. Simple, clear and keeps you on your toes!
Vivek Sharma
For me it's all about delegation 😅
Sumina Seto
Recently, I've been a bit distracted, which has made it tough to stay on top of managing my time well and staying productive during development sprints.
Lambda Winner
@sumina_seto That's okay, we all face distractions at times. One helpful tip is to try implementing the Pomodoro Technique, breaking work into short, focused intervals with breaks in between. Time-blocking helps me stay on track, but I also make sure to take breaks, like playing casino, when I start feeling stressed.
Sumina Seto
@lambda_winner Thank you, I just hope I can bring myself back. I feel a bit lost lately. :/ Actually, I enjoy playing games too. I usually play games at Stake 사이트 (stake site). Playing casino games makes me feel calm and relaxed.
William B. Serna
@lambda_winner @sumina_seto I also play there! The best casino games I've played so far help me distract myself a little bit. Just make sure not to become overly reliant and still manage your time. :)
Matej Cabadaj
This is my formula: Routine + coffee + google calendar + physical activity to reset the brain 😄
Oleksandr Buratynskyi
- Use 2 week Sprints. - Apply Mobbing (XP technique) to the User Story with highest priority. - Than Crowdtest - Release - Crowdtest on Prod. - Work in Pairs for second priority US. - Repeat Test approach. - Refine Backlog + come up with new experiments for next Sprint. - Finish small stuff that is left on your Plate. - Do a Review where you explain business impact of your work. - Do a 1.5 Retro where you define what and where should be changed. - Plan a Sprint going slightly off your usual capabilities. Repeat.
Hi Eren, I suggest you to focus on "Just One Things" during development sprints. Also use "The Pomodoro Technique" and 5 min Meditation just before start of your activity. Hopefully it will help , you can connect to me directly also.
I have a "TODO" list for today, prioritized from high to low. And cross out each task after complete.
I will develop an OKR plan and break down the goals into small details to ensure that everyone in the team can complete their work according to the goals.