What are your top 3 productivity-boosting techniques?
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44 replies
I wonder what techniques you use to boost your productivity in your personal or business life. 👀
Swapnil D Puranik@swapdp_01
- time blocking before you start the day
- taking 5-10 min breaks every 90-100 mins
- plan the day evening before
- (bonus) great playlist! 🔥
DIY Startup School for Solopreneurs
1. Sleep enough
2. Have "emotional time" in the evening (this helps me process stuff during the day and also keeps me from having weird daylight outbursts that make it hard to focus for hours) #TMI
3. Obsessively organize our notion, which always pays off in the long run
Not sexy, but you know, startup life....
For me, the five-minute productivity rule works wonders. Start any task you dread with a five-minute timer and you are free to stop it once the timer runs out. I use a physical sand hourglass for this.
More info:
1. Slow morning without a phone as the first step)
2. Background music for productivity (I like just common youtube playlists for it or Endel app)
3. Timeslotting and scheduling with time for breaks, lunch, etc.
P.S. bonus tip: I like to group some small tasks and do them in parallel with smth. For example, to create videos or answer my messages/write emails in my way in taxi.
1. Prioritize your task 2. Organize your time efficiently 3. Focus on the final objective
Writing my daily tasks in a notebook, and ticking them off after completion
Wake up at 10 am
Lunch for 2 hours
Zero daily tasks to-do list
Not productive in the morning, eating in 30min or less is not enough to prepare for the afternoon and to be productive until 7 pm, weekly tasks are better and you don't need to add to your to-do "sleep more next night" or another obvious task.
Pitch Deck Catch Phrases
* Apply the 5-minute rule: anything you can get done in less than 2 minutes should be done immediately.
*Stop multitasking
* Find out your biological clock: identify when you can think best and spend this time doing the work that matters most.
Writing a list of everything I feel I've got to do, first thing in the morning. After the brain dump, I circle the 10 most important ones and try to reschedule everything else.
1. Practice morning meditation whenever possible to help clear your mind of distractions and get you into a focused mindset for work.
2. Set a deadline and make sure you complete that task on time.
3. Remove all distractions from your workspace, such as phones and other devices that can distract you from your work tasks.
1. Do the most important thing and first thing in the day - It is better to do the most important thing priority tasks in the day so that you start feeling productive and you don't procrastinate.
2. Take breaks while working - It is very important. You can’t focus on the same task for hours. No one can. Taking breaks helps you work more efficiently.
3. Create a To-do list everyday- This helps you in prioritizing your tasks and you can easily accomplish the work in the right way.
Ultimate Notion Home Manager
1. Focusing on one task at a time
2. Time blocking my schedule
3. Setting and committing to deadlines
bonus tip
taking regular breaks and delegating tasks
@edun_kerry These are practical tips, thank you for sharing.
Focus on 1 thing at a time. It's better this way.
1. Working KPI-oriented
2. Setting deadlines
3. Taking a break I need 🚀
Flex-Worthy Templates
1. Throw your phone away
2. Follow point 1
3. Follow point 2
A. organizing days tasks
1. keeping deadlines that are achievable
2. creating tasks and schedules
3. Daily reviews
4. Plan today for tomorrow
Repeat A.
Focus , consistent
Providing undivided attention to the task at hand.
Realistic goals within realistic timelines🙌
1. Start with the outcome in mind
2. Create a step-by-step plan to reach the outcome
3. Dedicated time blocks to work on the steps in the outcome's plan