What inspires you to launch a startup?

Nick from FirstHR
74 replies
Share why you decided to start your startup, what inspired you, and what motivates you daily!


Maria Golikova
Launching soon!
The biggest driver of what inspires me to launch a new venture is realizing that existing solutions to a problem I have either don't exist or are not that good. Whenever a product disappoints me – in terms of user experience, customer service, pricing, features, or any other aspect, I feel the urge to build something better. If only there were more hours in a day to bring all these visions to life! 🤣
Kirill Sokol
Skinive AI: Skin Scanner, health checkup
Before Skinive AI , I was involved in the development of telemedicine and noted that about 20% of all patient questions related to skin conditions. Patients had to wait a long time for an answer from the dermatologist. Market research points to a great shortage of specialists: on average there are only 35 dermatologists per 1 million inhabitants in the European Union, which is clearly insufficient. The rise of AI gave the solution, particularly highly accurate artificial intelligence solutions for the processing of medical imaging. Unlike complicated X-rays, MRIs and CT scans of internal organs, taking photos of the skin is much easier. Through these developments, Skinive has automated the assessments of skin conditions using artificial intelligence and a smartphone.
Frank Sondors
Building real value for users
Debajit Sarkar
Wanted to face new and difficult problems that require me to think creatively and critically, to adapt and innovate, and to overcome obstacles and failures. I want to test my skills and abilities, and push myself beyond my comfort zone and in the process learn from my mistakes and improve myself constantly.
Hanna Barzakouskaya
I forgot to mention what inspires me to keep working. Sometimes, it's not easy. I once held a good position with a high salary. By the time the project started, I was already a seasoned professional in my field and deeply passionate about what I did. Occasionally, when things get tough, there's a temptation to return to a place with minimal unpredictability and a stable income. Yet, I'm determined to tackle this issue. I firmly believe it's wrong to only intervene when diseases have already taken hold; medicine should be proactive in preserving health. It should be mutually beneficial for both the doctor and the patient to analyze their data, assess the risks, and understand what's happening within the body - whether it's under stress, overloaded due to poor nutrition, lack of sleep, and so on. 🌟
Nick from FirstHR
@anna_panchenko I have often met doctors who do not care about their patients. I hope things will change over time.
Hanna Barzakouskaya
Everything is simple for me. 😊 I was looking for a solution that could help maintain health, first of all, looking at my parents. 🏥 For a long time! I found a lot of doctors, platforms with recommendations, strategies, screening guidelines, and realized that you can drown in this diversity, and all the information needs to be double-checked for accuracy. 💡 This is how the first prototype appeared, which was used only for ourselves. Then friends asked to rummage around, and we shared, then the prototype began to spread among friends of friends.
Hanna Barzakouskaya
@nermin_zejnilovic Navigating the complex landscape of health information and services has been eye-opening both in terms of understanding medical intricacies and gaining perspective on how users perceive health and wellness, as well as how to tailor our product accordingly. Over time, we've observed a shift in comprehension, particularly among medical professionals who now grasp the core issue we're addressing and how we're approaching it. On the user end, I often hear feedback about how some perceive our application primarily as a weight loss tool, which, while true to an extent, only scratches the surface. The real complexity arises when discussing concepts like risk assessment, allostatic load, and screenings. There's a wealth of insights to unpack. For instance, we discovered that including a "Biometrics" section in our app, after engaging with users, was better suited as a tertiary tab rather than a prominent one. It turns out, individuals who are aware of their weight or waist circumference being outside the norm tend to hesitate in recording this data, often waiting until they've made progress. The fear of confronting their issue and seeing it persistently documented can deter them from inputting the information promptly. It's a fascinating aspect to consider. This journey has illuminated the critical role of community and word-of-mouth in the adoption and expansion of health-related innovations. Witnessing our solution gain traction within our network and beyond reinforced the significance of building a supportive community around health initiatives. It's through these shared experiences and recommendations that the true impact of our prototype has become apparent.
Hanna Barzakouskaya
@nermin_zejnilovic I received several responses to the question about weight loss. In general, people saw that their acquaintances had lost weight and asked how they had achieved it. In response, they've heard sbout Healsens. By the way, this was a big revelation for our entire team. People go through screenings, see deviations, and decide to make lifestyle changes, as a result of which some lose excess weight.
Kayode Odeleye
Who Wants to Be a Unicorn (Unicorn Game)
Who Wants to Be a Unicorn (Unicorn Game)
Desire to suffer! Jokes aside an opportunity to use technology to make millions of people's lives better. That's my reason
Relja Denic
Just the thought of building something from scratch gives me motivation. At the same time love creating something that can change some industries as a whole.
honestly I just want to make more money than normal people and I want to get rich and I know that by going in a job and working in it for 20 to 30 years isn't going to make me fulfilled nor it is going to make me rich! So I ventured into online businesses and learning about high income skills and finally I ended up here!
Leena Chitnis
RuffRest® Ultimate Dog Bed
RuffRest® Ultimate Dog Bed
Not working for the man anymore
Roman Gordy
As Rick Rubin said: "Don't do work, make offerings to God instead." It will dramatically change POV on what you do (no religious context just a level of attitude). So I have started my company with a mission to help others be fairly paid digital nomads and get freelancers out of a hamster wheel of working 24/7 with a lower rate than office employees have. This idea still drives me more than anything.
Sneha Nair
Demo My AI Chatbot
Demo My AI Chatbot
I think launching a startup can be driven by different factors, including the need for financial independence, the desire to pursue a passion or solve a problem. Frustration with the limitations of traditional employment or corporate culture is my motivating factor to launch a business. Many entrepreneurs feel frustrated with the bureaucracy, lack of autonomy, and slow pace of decision-making in their previous jobs. Starting a company allows them to take control of their career path, create their own culture, and make a meaningful impact on their industry or community. However, launching a startup also comes with risks and challenges that require entrepreneurship skills, resilience, and flexibility.
Andreas Møller
I had a previous startup and absolutely loved it. It is the most rewarding work i have ever done. I started toddle because I think it is an important tool that needs to exits :)
Nick from FirstHR
@andreas_toddle Do you plan to come back to your startup one day?
Andreas Møller
@nermin_zejnilovic My previous startup ran out of money. My current startup is called toddle and is going strong 💪
a powerful thought
Apollon Latsoudis
It constitutes one way of sharing your vision about specific problem solving with the world, without adhering to whims of others. You can decide when and how to launch your product and to which market to address it. Freedom is the key aspect from me. No bosses, no unjustified overtimes, no unnecessary crunching or development/work without knowing the stake behind it.
Gloria G
The reason Boolvideo exists is our endeavor to enhance people's productivity through AI and tools, allowing them more time for creative pursuits.
Daniel Zaitzow
A potential exit with much higher upside than a 9-5 until you're six feet deep haha.
Adam Cohen Hillel
I experienced the difficulty of finding and going through therapy, and there was much I wanted to get (i.e. continues insights and analysis of my patterns) - so I ended up building Deepen!
covid-19 i assume