Soumil Rathi

What kinds of conversations/interviews do you do to refine your target market?


I'm working on a product to use AI to simulate customer interviews—would love to learn more about how each of you currently handle this to make the product even better!

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Dan Gower
I highly recommend reading a book called The Mom Test. It will help you focus on addressing the customer's JTBD (job to be done) and steer clear of feedback that feels good but ultimately doesn't help.
Soumil Rathi
@dan_gower I've read the book—it's genuinely a great resource for customer interviews, and the JTBD framework is great. Found it personally useful and also implemented it within the product.
Dan Gower
@soumilrathi Nice – sounds like you've already read just about every book I could suggest on this topic. Beyond that, I might recommend collecting information digitally. Interviewing someone in person will always get you the deepest information, but it's not scalable. We've had decent luck learning about our target audience by asking questions in forums and submitting queries through journalistic sourcing platforms (Qwoted, HAB2BW, etc.), where we ask people to share knowledge in exchange for being quoted (and receiving a backlink) in our blog posts. You'll get some spammy, AI-generated responses this way, but you get some good stuff, too, if you're willing to sift through it.
Jamie Petherbridge-Conroy
Based on what problem you're solving, I would write questions with the intention of getting the answers to who feels that problem the most and, if paid for, have enough money to pay what you want to sell for.
Jamie Petherbridge-Conroy
Also recommend The Mom Test