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  • What’s a quote that always motivates you?

    95 replies


    Chaitanya Badave
    Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over. "End is the Beginning"
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    @chaitanyabadavein Yes, very positive quote... every end signifies a new beginning, full of possibilities and opportunities for growth.
    Chaitanya Badave
    @neha_joshi8 yes. Every successful person had several failures but that turned out to a new beginning towards suceess 🚀
    Giannis Kiokpas
    memento mori!
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    @ikiok If I am not wrong Giannis its meaning is to remember death ?
    Roast My Meal by Hoku
    Roast My Meal by Hoku
    "A journey will have pain and failure. It is not only the steps forward that we must accept. It is the stumbles. The trials. The knowledge that we will fail. That we will hurt those around us. But if we stop, if we accept the person we are when we fall, the journey ends. That failure becomes our destination. To love the journey is to accept no such end. I have found, through painful experience, that the most important step a person can take is always the next one."
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    @kkavita👍 Yes, Through painful experiences, we come to understand that the most crucial step we can take is always the next one.
    Tanay from Stacks
    Sticky - Your notes in the browser
    Sticky - Your notes in the browser
    Just do 1% better, every day. If you are working on yourself, do 1% better. If you are building a product, make it 1% better. If you are selling a product, do it 1% better.
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    @tanaylakhani Absolutely ! the mindset of continuous improvement, for even small steps can lead to great achievements.
    Notion Template for Writers
    Notion Template for Writers
    It's never too late!
    Gibril Longmene
    "What doen't kill you makes you stronger". it motivates me a lot specially when i'm failing, i don't give up. It keeps me going. Failure is just a lesson and path to success
    Marilena Nikou
    Xence by Gaspar AI
    impossible is nothing
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    @marilena_n Correct! Impossible is just a word until you challenge it with determination and persistence.
    "If not now, when?"
    Sofia Altıntaş
    Damnant quod non intelligunt, meaning "They condemn what they do not understand." Don't try to make people love you, if they don't understand you, it's because you're different from others. Loving yourself is best.
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    @sofia_altintas Exactly Sofia Different is beautiful, and self-love triumphs over seeking validation from those who don't understand.
    Sunny Kumar
    Do something today that your future self will thank you for.
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    @sunny_sogra Yes sunny take decisive action today and make choices that your future self will not only appreciate but also be grateful for.
    Lord Brian Dean-Madanamootoo
    "Everything happens for a Reason, Everything happens for a Season"
    Lord Brian Dean-Madanamootoo
    @neha_joshi8 Thanks, usually when S***t happens, i tell myself that I don't need to know the reason right now, but it did happen for a reason. And no matter how bad it may be now, its only temporary.
    Sahil Kumar
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    Be deaf to negative thoughts...if your aim is to reach your goal. motivates me most
    Igor Lysenko
    "Everything is not done for easy." Everything I do I want it to be useful.
    Uma Venugopal
    Detachment is not that you own nothing. Detachment is that nothing owns you. ~Bhagavad Gita.
    Jose Chipana Tica
    Just do it , just keep doing!
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    @jose_chipana Nice one! Keep going, keep doing is the key to take action and maintain consistent effort
    "No step is the wrong step as long you learn something from it" - helps me when I am worried about what step to take next!
    Antoni Kozelski
    My favourite quote is - HOPE IS NOT A STRATEGY!!!!
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    @antonikozelski Yes I also like this quote Hope alone won't lead to success, strategy is necessary to get success.
    André J
    Brains over bricks!
    Sachet bhatia
    Live your life today as people won't, so that you can live rest of your life as most people can't.
    Hassan Muazzam
    That's a quote which is always motivated me "Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you're done"