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Dhruv Bhatia
What's your code stack for 2021?
What technologies are you using currently and are excited about in 2021? I'm currently using: Nextjs React GraphQL Tailwind CSS
Sean O'Callahan
Personal Stack: Front/API: Blitz.js w/ Prisma, Tailwind (highly highly recommend Blitz) DB: Postgres Mobile: Expo Work: Front: Next.js API: Node w/ Koa DB: Postgres
Dhruv Bhatia
@seanocallahan Thanks Sean...haven't checked out Blitz.js, will take a look. How's Prisma?
Stephane Ibos
Currently using: - GraphQL - Ruby on Rails - React - Postgres - GCP Cloud Run - GCP Cloud Tasks (Btw - we created an open source library in ruby to interface with this service - - feel free to use it!) - GCP Pub/Sub (Same - we created as well an open source library for Ruby. It's here:
Dhruv Bhatia
@stephane_ibos interesting. Why did you go with GCP over AWS?
Nelli  Orlova
Hah, I just published the vacancy for full-stack developer! From the main ones I do remember React, NodeJS, MongoDB, CSS, GET
Ismail Ghallou
Backend: - TypeScript, GraphQL - Express, type-graphql, typeORM, Apollo server - Postgres, Reddis Frontend: - TypeScript, GraphQL - Next, Apollo client, CSS in TS with styled-components Mobile: - React Native
Donny Wals
Not much of a stack since I work on apps but I use Swift and for personal stuff I really enjoy SwiftUI.
Artūrs Jaunošāns
Backend: ASP.NET Core 3.1+ MSSQL SignalR MVC & Multi-layer architecture VB.NET C# FrontEnd: UIKit CSS 3 Bootstrap Vue.JS jQuery Apps: .NET Framework 4.7+ WinForms Visual Basic/VBA Excited about: .NET Blazor
Artūrs Jaunošāns
@archii @dimabraven Awesome. Are you planning to move to .NET 5 anytime soon?
Fatos Bediu
express, vue and I recently made the switch to postgresql and took care of my sanity by moving out of mongodb.
Liviu Barbu
I go with Codeigniter4, Bootstrap and Mysql. It's simple for me as a one man show and i can build anything with this setup. I tried also tailwind css but i felt like inline css which i don't like at all :)
For me it's definitely PWA, NuxtJS, Cockpit CMS, Vue and Vuetify.
Dhruv Bhatia
@andrefuchs Nice, hadn't heard about Cockpit CMS until now. I used to be on the Vue stack, switched over to React because of Nextjs and Vercel
Oly Lotfi
TypeScript, React, NodeJS, and Gatsby!
Valerie Dixon
1.The MEAN Technology Stack 2. The MERN Technology Stack 3.The MEVN Technology Stack 4. Ruby on Rails Tech Stack myaccountaccess
Derek Lam
I'm using the exact same stack except for no GraphQL! Still using REST APIs but definitely something I wanna look into!
Dhruv Bhatia
@dlamdev nice, you gotta try GraphQL though (if you feel like you require it). It can be a game-changer for certain use-cases
Serge Zaitsev
Go+Preact, worked like a charm for a number of mid-size projects
Daniil Okhlopkov
Django on backend and anything on frontend (React probably)
Nikki Gusz
We built our stack no code and for ~$100 / mo:
Dhruv Bhatia
@nikki_g interesting...Isn't that a bit costly though? Do you plan to stick with this long term?
Nikki Gusz
@dhruv_bhatia We're low code / no code folks so ease of use is important to us. We also have found the customer service of several of the products fairly good. That being said, always open to new ideas!
Masoud Fatemi
Here's ours (Simplified version!): Backend: - Elixir - NodeJS Frontend: - React
Dhruv Bhatia
@masoudfatemi How's Elixir?
Masoud Fatemi
@dhruv_bhatia Actually awesome! its pretty fast and very suitable if your app needs realtime transactions like live chat & messaging
Currently Next.js, React, Tailwind, PostgreSQL, Firebase Auth & Storage, Cloudflare
Norbert Jurga
API: Laravel / Lumen, Front: Tailwind / Bootstrap, Livewire Mobile: Flutter
Simon Blok
VueJs, PHP, Tailwind, NodeJs
Dhruv Bhatia
@simonblok Are you using a framework for PHP?
Simon Blok
@simonblok @dhruv_bhatia yes, i'm using Laravel as my main framework. Primary because it's a very pragmatic and modern framework.
Mike Williams
Svelte (Sapper but soon Svelte Kit), TailwindCSS, Firebase