What structures do you use when having a call with your potential users? How long is the call?
I was wondering if you have a sort of structure/strategy when jumping on calls with your potential users.
I used to sort of this structure:
- Ice-breaking - which comes naturally by asking how to pronounce their names.
- I ask about what they do - to understand their world model.
- I ask questions - based on the book - The Mom Test and sort of getting to a point when I ask them about their past experience with the problem I am trying to present the solution to.
- they ask me what I do - I try not to pitch here and answer honestly. (not always works, still working on that)
- I usually mention the idea only at the end when I see that they actually have the problem our platform solves.
It doesn't work always, but this is what I came up with so far. Do you have any advice, maybe you would like to share your own experience when it comes to talking to potential users?
Thank you a ton!