When are you the most productive?
Gizem Nur Keskin
104 replies
Are you an early bird, or a night owl? I am personally a morning person. I'd like to get stuff done in the mornings.
Mutlu Sakar@mutlusakar
Afternoon, around 3 pm.
BeforeSunset AI
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@mutlusakar 3 pm maybe the first time I’ve heard someone is productive. You are definitely a unique person!
Decktopus AI
I was a night owl when I was a student. But now I prefer to be a morning person. Doing half of my work in half the day motivates me. : )
BeforeSunset AI
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@didem_eriskin Right?? Getting a lot of work done first thing in the morning motivates me to keep going!
PH Hunters
Always a night owl. I would rather stay awake and work till 5 am in the morning (which I have done on multiple occasions) than wake up from sleep at 5 am in the morning.
BeforeSunset AI
Launching soon!
@nithin_jawahar You don't have to wake up at 5 am to get work done. Personally I don't! I was waking up that early at one point in my life but it is just not sustainable in my situation as I love sleep so much! I try to wake up around 6.30-7 these days!
Growth Hackers Guide To Producthunt
When I am listening to one song one repeat, where I have trained my mind to go into the deep flow state.
Early morning is good for me. Me fresh. Get hot tea. Kids are sleeping. Brain is strong. Know the priorities. Focus and get work done.
I am a morning person. I have higher energy during this time and my mind is already decluttered from the last day's work and stress so feel more productive.
At the start of my workday, after a good night of sleep!
Not particularly any time.
But I'll be highly productive when the deadlines are near, like I will work the whole day 😅
I’m definitely most productive in the morning. Unfortunately Outdone is still a side hustle for now, so most of my work has to come late at night.
We push on though! 🌃🦉😁
I'm the most productive around a deadline haah
BeforeSunset AI
Launching soon!
@tvisha_raji Aren't we all? hahaha
LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
For me, it's not the time of the day; it's after rest. Guess that's time my brain needs to reset and go into productive mode.
The most productive times are early afternoon for young adults because they generally stay up later and get up later in the morning.
BeforeSunset AI
Launching soon!
@officialepayitonline I am a young adult and I'd like to get up early and get some work done! Especially more people like me, I believe, are more conscious about their times whether they be a morning person or a night owl!
mid-week, in the evenings
In the morning. Its most quiet
În general la mine eficiența depinde de starea de spirit Normal cu cît sunt mai liniștit crește eficiența Dimineața noaptea
When I am having fun! 🔥
I'm a morning person, so probably early morning
@divya14 oh hello, night owl! I can definitely relate to this - at night it's somehow easier to focus and concentrate, probably it's calmer and more peaceful. In the long run, that's not unfortunately a winner strategy when doing business (from my experience), as of course most people prefer working during the light day :D
AI Link Manager
Early morning anyday :)
intribe | Tinder for Brand Partnerships
First thing in the morning from 6:30am through to lunch.