Zhiqi Shi

When you feel stressed, what methods do you usually use to calm yourself down?


For me, 1. Running: Covering 5-10 KM is great way to clear my mind; 2. PS5 Gaming :I usually go for fast-paced action games, they make time fly by for me; 3. Hiking with kids: this is my favorite.

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Nha Hyerin
When I feel stressed, I usually take a few deep breaths, practice mindfulness, or go for a short walk. I also find that listening to calming music or organizing my tasks helps clear my mind and reduce stress.
wenbei mao
1. Meditation, focus on breathing to reduce anxiety. 2. Art & Crafting, engaging in creative activities to express yourself.
Elena Oprea
1. Take action to address what stresses me - most of the time that's the only thing that helps. 2. Write, and reflect on what is the root cause of stress. I use my own mental health app to do some self-therapy on it. 3. Sleep 4. Clean my house, cook while watching a movie or just take a bath 5. Call a friend to complain :D