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Adrian Cole
Who's your favorite founder and why?
I'll have to go with @csallen Reason: Ships code, Creates Content and Builds community. The real Founder Unicorn. Who's your top pick? PS: Be fun and don't nominate yourself :)
Ray Hernandez
I feel like you have to say @mubashariqbal , since he's the king of launches. But I love when @kevinrose launches products with his full breakdown as to why and how.
Lisa Dziuba
looks super similar to my question :)
Lisa Dziuba
well, probably "ideas and questions" are flying in the air:
Johannes Grenzemann
Nobody rooting for Elon? Wrotes Code for Zip2/PayPal/SpaceX, meme grandmaster, growing community (of Tesla Drivers and Space Enthusiasts) :)
Alice Rodgers
@jgrenzemann was just checking with command+F if anybody mentioned Elon hehe
Velu Loganathan
Sridhar Vembu - Founder of ZOHO @svembu because his thought process is always great and he is running a software company from a village.
Maksym Astakhov
@artem_borodatyuk no doubts:) 10+ successful companies and non-commercial projects, help the Ukrainian people. Great DJ and trash-party maker.😂 III>I
Buhaianu Remus
@m1guelpf He has created such helpful tools and he's been an inspiring role model for me, especially given how much he was able to achieve at such a young age!
Alexey Shashkov
Interesting question=) Let's think... My favorite one is Elon because he's running several businesses at the same time and it's successful. Unbelievable and awesome.
Anurag Singh
@shashcoffe at the risk of sounding cliched, I'd also go with Elon. Simply because of the way he has executed on some of the biggest challenges faced by humanity. He didn't just say thats a good idea, he went ahead full steam and executed. Boring Company was a classic example. Tesla - the most successful but I would say least impactful of his ventures. SpaceX - existential impact that I think is next level forward thinking. And lastly Neuralink - this one is what has amazing implications for humanity, both short term for paraplegics and every human in the future. Elon to the moon (or mars) 🚀😅
Alexey Shashkov
@singhanurag Cool comment, man. Totally agree with you. Even there's a risk of sounding cliched=)
Zoltán Szőgyényi
@dannypostmaa for sure ☺️
Anand Radhakrishnan
Well i think i am going to vote for Jeff Bezos, what a great story and Amazon is now a household name just about in every corner of the world. Guys i am the founder of WebsitesToolz we recently launched on PH. We just launched on AppSumo. Do check out our PH page for link to AppSumo.
For me it has to be Pieter Levels. I have been a big fan of blog for a while, and I love his raw and unfiltered approach to taking on a new project and showcasing his own journey. Not to mention that all the products he's released have been hacked together by using the simplest means and no fluff. I think many people can learn a lot from him.
Henrique Dubugras, Brazilian guy
Anthony Losso
Fabrice Grinda of FJ Labs !
Joel Hansen
Courtland and Channing are up there for me
Shrey Gupta
Justin Kan! @justinkan
Soo Jung Han
I have to go with Taylor Nieman of Toucan. She is so elegant at doing her job and is incredibly ambitious.
Melvin Richard
Melanie Perkins of Canva. She recently decided to donate most of wealth.
Veronika Nesheva
Mhm, for me there isnt one, I tend to like specific things that different founders do. A few of that come to mind: * Emily Weiss from Glossier for her ability to grow first an audience, then a very engaged community and then use this community to build the most relevant for them products. * Jennifer Hyman from Rent the Runway for how she leveraged the "unsexy" part of the business - logistics, to create a big barrier to entry and a quite unique competitive advantage * Marcela Sapone from Hello Alfred for how she managed to build and scale her start-up while bearing unit economics in mind from the start, and at the same time employing her "Alfreds" as opposed to using freelancers as most on demand companies do, and thus leveraging the power of happy and empowered employees
sulyman moyo
@ryanhoover built a company i envy
Ayushi Nigam
@sawo_labs @ronak_kadhi Because they are awesome :)
Ryan Hoover
Shout out to @csallen (as mentioned above). It's hard to build and sustain a community on the www. 😅
Adrian Cole
@csallen @rrhoover you're my close 2nd Ryan haha You guys give me a lot of inspiration as I build VoiceBlasts 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽