Guillaume Bardet

100DaysOfNoCode 2.0 - Learn to No-Code in 100 days

Learn to no-code by committing to the 100DaysOfNoCode challenge. It has 3 rules: 1. Publicly commit 2. Learn to no-code for at least 30 minutes every day 3. Share your progress. Get free daily lessons straight to your inbox. Commit now. Start April 1st, 2024 ⚡

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Max Haining
Hey everyone, I’m Max 👋 Super excited to share #100DaysOfNoCode 2.0 with you today. Our revamped curriculum teaches the best tools and most powerful no-code usecases whilst upping the stakes by sharing real world projects for you to test and apply your skills through the 100 days. But let me rewind a second. How did we get here? Before March 2020, I’d never built anything in my life. I was the classic ideas guy. Notebooks full of “it would be cool if Y existed”. But zero proof of work...of impact...of real life users. No-code flipped the script. The promise of being able to build something without writing any code was mind blowing to me. 🤨 Problem But when I tried to learn no-code, it was a little overwhelming. I didn’t know where to start, which tools to use etc... So I needed something that was more structured and sustainable. 😎 Solution That’s when I decided to set myself the challenge of learning to no-code for 30 mins everyday for 100 days in March 2020. There the 100DaysOfNoCode Challenge was born. And since, 12K+ people have taken part. It has 3 simple but powerful rules to live by... 1. Publicly commit ⏭ to feel the force of social accountability 2. Learn for at least 30 mins everyday ⏭ so each day compouds on top of the next 3. Share your progress with others ⏭ to get feedback + support as you learn 😎 😎 An Even Better Solution But whilst this is a good *system* for learning, the question still remains “what should I learn”? That’s why we’ve written “explain like I’m 5” daily learning emails to support your 100DaysOfNoCode journey. These include guided exercises, tips, tricks, mini challenges, surprise rewards and shots of inspiration to fuel your learning. I hope these ingredients make your no-code learning journey a little less rocky than mine (and many others)! Would love any feedback you have 👇 Bring your ideas to life in 2024. Commit today. Starting April 1st.
Guillaume Bardet
Hi Product Hunters, thank you for stopping by! 👋 We're excited to bring you an updated version of the 100DaysOfNoCode curriculum! 😻 Starting April 1st, we'll send out one bite-size lesson per day to your inbox. It's free, fun, and effective 30min lessons to help you learn everything you need about No-Code. Here are some of the tools in the curriculum: Automations ➝ Make Databases ➝ Baserow Website Builder ➝ Dorik Web App Builder ➝ toddle Form Builder ➝ Email & Payments ➝ Podia Web Scraping ➝ Browse AI Mobile App Builder ➝ Glide 2.0 Multilingual website ➝ Weglot Translate & Many others! Like @5harath and thousands of others since @hainingmax first launched 100DaysOfNoCode, we want to help you ship your startup (or join one) all the way to an acquisition! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. We'll be around most of the day ✌️
Viswanatha Reddy
This 100DaysOfNoCode Challenge is the perfect way to get started with no-code. I can't wait to dive into the daily lessons and learn alongside such a passionate community. Congratulations on the launch, team! Best of luck on your incredible journey.