Bram Kanstein (@bramk)

12min Reading - Your free habit builder for reading

12min is an app with summaries of the best nonfiction books, that can be read or listened in about 12 minutes. Our primary goal is to help you to develop the reading habit and take it to the next level. That's why we offer free and unlimited reading. You can develop the reading habit, learn new things, prioritise your next books to read.

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Matheus Guerra Costa
Hey PH, Before I say anything, it's a pleasure to launch a product here, where I usually find awesome stuff to help me. Because of that, we're giving a 7-day trial to everyone who signs up on 12min, instead of our usual 3-day trial, so you can have more time to enjoy the full experience of the app!! I'm here to present you the 12min app. 12min is an app with summaries of the best nonfiction books, that can be read or listened in about 12 minutes. Our primary goal is to help you to develop the reading habit and take it to the next level. That's why we offer free and unlimited reading. You can develop the reading habit, learn new things, prioritize your next books to read… And all that can be done in those useless micro-moments of the day like waiting on the bank line, being inside a bus or a train, doing the laundry. We want to help you to learn more and faster, so you can be even smarter and boost your career! On 12min you will find the best books on business, marketing, sales, leadership, etc., condensed into microbooks with their most valuable insights. After operating in Brazil for about 1 year, we're happy to announce that our app is going international, and now we also offer content in English, Spanish, and Hindi. Here are some of our cool features: - Free unlimited reading, and upgrade to make audios available; - Free audio for the featured book ("book of the day") - Download microbooks for reading and listening offline; - Send microbooks to Kindle; - See what your friends are reading; - Highlight the most important sections of the microbook. We'd love to get some feedback, and we're happy to answer questions! :)
Diego Gomes
Davis Baer
Cool product Matheus. Can you clarify what you get for free, and what you need to pay for? I'm finding it a little confusing.
Diego Gomes
@daviswbaer READING = free forever LISTENING = 3 free trial ENJOY ;)
Diego Gomes
@daviswbaer READING = free forever LISTENING = 3 free trial ENJOY ;)
Mariano Pappalardo
Love the personal development space. What makes 12min different than Blinkist? Thanks
Matheus Guerra Costa
@parisivy00 Thanks for the comment Mariano! =D Answering your question, the main differences between 12min and Blinkist are: 1. 12min is now GLOBAL, with content in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Hindi; 2. 12min is FOREVER FREE FOR READING and Blinkist limits their free access to 1 reading per day; 3. PRICING: We admire them and getAbstract and that they raised 17M. We’re bootstraped, which means we’ll grow slower, but with best prices to our users! =D I hope you like it! Enjoy! ;)
Giovanni Salvador
Awesome product. I bought a lot of books listening their summaries and it's practical to listen during operational tasks.
Matheus Guerra Costa
@giovanni_salvador Thanks a lot for the comment Giovanni, that's great to hear! =D #keepReading #keepLearning
Caio Freitas Ferreira
Great app! If you want to read more, definately its a great way to start. 🤘🏽
Matheus Guerra Costa
@caiohnw Thanks a lot for the feedback Caio! #keepReading #keepLearning
Pedro Renan
I stay more time with 12 min than my own family! I can't live without it.
Matheus Guerra Costa
@pedro_renan1 hahahaha that's great to know Pedro! Thanks a lot for the comment and feedback! #keepReading #keepLearning
Lucas Vitor
Awesome app!! Library keeps getting bigger and better and is really good to have a first look before committing in buying a book to my kindle!
Matheus Guerra Costa
@lucas_vitor That's awesome to hear, thanks! We love to see people who understand the fact that we're not against books, but the opposite. We actually want people to read even more books, but in a smarter way! :) #keepReading #keepLearning
Ovi Negrean
Congrats @diegottg & team for making this international!
Matheus Guerra Costa
Hey @ovinegrean, great to see you here! Thanks for the support =D
Luiz FolkSilva

For my daily busy life, this app appears as a replacement for my bookshelf! I can send the summaries to my Kindle or listen on my smartphone.

I think an integration with Android Auto to hear some summaries could be a great option in the future.


High quality text and audio summaries, simplicity of use and diversity of content



Matheus Guerra Costa
Thanks a lot for the review Luiz! We're working very hard to integrate the app with a lot of different devices and softwares ;) #keepReading #keepLearning
Vinícius Mayrink

They say you only use 3 apps on your phone and 12min is definitely one of mine.

Since they started releasing audiobooks, I open it at least once a day


Best way to research before buying new book, great to remind key points from what I've read, great UX/UI, audiobooks to listen while running



Matheus Guerra Costa
Thanks for the review Vinícius, that's awesome to hear! It's great to have you as a heavy user of 12min :) #keepReading #keepLearning
not in US App Store?
Matheus Guerra Costa
@chuckreynolds Thanks for the comment! We do have 12min app in the US App Store, and in pretty much every country in the world. You can check the second link of the page, which is this one: You'll be redirected to your country's store (it can be on Apple App Store or Google Play). If it still doesn't work, let me know ;)
@matheusguerra the link worked just fine thank you. i searches the app store before and it didn’t come up.
Matheus Guerra Costa
@chuckreynolds I'm glad it worked now. And thanks for reporting that! It means we have to work harder on our ASO =D
Isaac Newton
I learned a lot with 12min. best app to up level fast!
Matheus Guerra Costa
@isaac_newton1 Thanks a lot for the feedback Isaac! #keepReading #keepLearning
Sarah Werneck
Best app for reading quickly! I can use in any place at any time
Matheus Guerra Costa
@sarah_werneck Thanks a lot for the comment Sarah, that's great to hear! #keepReading #keepLearning
Filipe Sacchetto

For whom that have a busy life to someone that have an easy life. Doesn't meter, this app suits everybody well.


Simple design. Easy to learn how to use. Great idea.



Matheus Guerra Costa
Thanks a lot for the review Filipe, that's awesome to hear! #keepReading #keepLearning
Gabriel Lages
Nice and usefull app, they have the best book curation.
Matheus Guerra Costa
@gabrielclages Thanks a lot for the comment, that's great to hear! =D #keepReading #keepLearning
Marília Pimenta
Amazing!! I have been learning a lot about marketing, management and leadership. Congratulations, Matheus 😄
Matheus Guerra Costa
@mariliapav Thanks for the comment Marília, that's awesome to hear! #keepReading #keepLearning
Pedro Lage
Great product! Its a amazing tool to keep the reading habits on point ! Congrats!
Matheus Guerra Costa
@pedrolage Thanks a lot for the review man! #keepReading #keepLearning
Nathalia Assuncao

.a good choice


great tool for those who enjoy reading



Matheus Guerra Costa
Thanks for the review Nathalia, that's awesome to hear! :) #keepReading #keepLearning
Rodrigo Dantas

12min is one of the best apps in Brazil. Not just to read, but to select good content as well.


Awesome content selection.


Blinklist is a competitor

Matheus Guerra Costa
Thanks for the review Dantas, that's awesome to hear! We're doing our best to prove ourselves better every day :) #keepReading #keepLearning
Alexandre Arima
I cannot run without my 12min app anymore. I am adicted.
Matheus Guerra Costa
@arima Thanks a lot for the comment Alexandre! That's awesome to hear =D #keepReading #keepLearning