David Hassell

15Five - Team success made simple. A feedback tool for companies.


15Five is a continuous people management solution. Through weekly check-ins, 15Five delivers everything needed to maintain visibility and impact employee performance, including continuous feedback, objectives tracking, recognition, 1-on-1s, and 360° reviews.

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David Hassell
We created 15Five out of the belief that much of the management philosophy behind traditional performance management evolved during the industrial revolution and is no longer effective, and more often than not counter productive. Treating people like assets or resources of companies, and trying to coerce them to perform through a system of external rewards and punishments is dehumanizing, hence why 70% of the American workforce is now considered disengaged. Instead we believe that the best companies and teams create cultures that tap into the innate drive and potential of their people, where strong relationships and trust are built, and where people are supported in being their best selves. As a result these teams have an increased ability to work together at a high level to achieve extraordinary results. We’re building 15Five for teams who share this belief, creating a quick weekly cadence of communication that ensures that managers know how to best support their people, that everyone stays focused on the right things, that they regularly have the conversations that matter, and where strong relationships and trust are built in the process.
Thibaut Davoult
@dhassell Very difficult to measure employee happiness but getting weekly feedback must help a lot. Interesting idea, I wonder how it translates emotionally to the employees, if they really feel included and listened to while writing back to this automated system.
David Hassell
@thibautdavoult I agree, it's quite difficult to measure happiness, but you can definitely feel it in a culture when it's there and when its not. We view employee happiness (or even better, employee satisfaction) as something that naturally emerges when the right conditions are in place, rather than something to focus on directly (similarly, you can't focus directly on profits in your business, but you can end up with more of them by focusing on increasing income and reducing expenses). I believe a lot of Dan Pink's research from his book Drive holds true in terms of what people really want and where they thrive -- that in their work people want to feel connected to a larger purpose, be granted autonomy, and be supported in achieving mastery. Really cool graphic overview here: http://bit.ly/1LcOrNz Environments like these lead to high degrees of satisfaction and even happiness with employees. We see the weekly feedback cadence in 15Five as supporting this kind of environment by giving employees a voice (a feeling of ownership and being connected to the larger purpose), letting managers stay informed without micromanaging (autonomy), and giving managers the insights they need to respond with feedback and encouragement to support their people in improving and succeeding (mastery). As for whether they really feel included and listened to, we hear over and over from our customers that their people share things in 15Five that they don't think they would have shared otherwise. I think two of the reasons for this are that 15Five prompts the employee with the questions that the manager might not regularly ask on his/her own, and second, that it removes some of the social anxiety some people feel in 1:1 or group meetings. One important thing to keep in mind is that we don't think of 15Five existing in a vacuum, but rather as a compliment to 1:1 and team meetings and any other face-to-face or virtual interactions with their manager. Using 15Five just ensures that the right questions are asked, and that everyone is having the important conversations on a regular basis.
Dustin LaMont
@thibautdavoult @dhassell definitely difficult to measure happiness but man incredible to able to give input for your company. We have 1:1 every other week so 15Five has been amazing for us here at Digital Telepathy. We are able to stay in constant communication about our successes, failures, and ways to improve the company as a whole. It's an vital component of our culture. Thanks David, for creating a wonderful product!
Alexis Ohanian
Love 15five. All internal company software should be this well-designed.
Dustin LaMont
@alexisohanian huge compliment for a few guys from our team. I'll relay the message. Thanks so much for your kind words.
Dustin LaMont
@alexisohanian huge compliment to a few guys from our team. I'll relay the message. Thanks so much for your kind words!
Vince Speelman
Great product, really well executed. The trick is getting "reviewers" to not only review, but take action.
David Hassell
@vinspee I completely agree. The reviewers who are most successful with 15Five really engage with their people --- even if they can't or choose not to take action on something, they at least acknowledge the feedback that they receive. Do you think there's anything else we could or should do in the product itself to further encourage this?
Vince Speelman
@dhassell sorry I'm just getting back to this – I think it might be valuable to allow a submitter to "nudge" a reviewer - like a "hey, I'm expecting you to take action on this - can you follow up with me". IIRC, you have a "request follow up" option, but it would be nice to be able to independently and additionally nudge a reviewer who's slacking on something I think is really important.
David Hassell
@vinspee You can definitely do that right now through @mentons, just like you tagged me here. Do you think more specific functionality for that would be useful outside of that?
Vince Speelman
yes. Maybe something like "you requested follow up on these last week, did you get the follow up?"
Ryan Holiday
Happy to be a user and investor in this thing.
I'm super excited to have been an early angel in David's vision to build tools that foster more transparent and healthy work cultures. Awesome to see a little product device turn into a full product!!!
Nick Fassler
@dhassell Excited to see you guys on PH. I built an app in the employee feedback space a few years ago, and think there's a lot of potential here. 15Five is one of the few companies in this space that got real traction, so you must be doing something right.  Are you thinking of building integrations into other communication platforms? Clearly, Slack is the darling of the startup and engineering community, while Yammer/Microsoft has much deeper reach in the Fortune 500 (and of course there is Hipchat, Google Apps, Salesforce, etc, etc).
David Hassell
@nickfassler Thanks. We're definitely considering a variety of integrations -- most of the ones you mentioned are a natural fit. We actually have our first on in development so stay tuned for news on that front before too long.
Erik Dungan
We've been using this at Baremetrics for several weeks now. I can't comment on it from a founder/manager point-of-view but as an engineer I like that it's simple and quick. Doing one thing and doing it well with little friction for employees is commendable.
David Hassell
@callmeed That's great to hear -- thanks for the feedback!
Aaron Magness
Great to see 15Five up here. Speaking from the POV of a paying customer, they have a great product. It does so much to help my 1-on-1s become efficient and actionable because I don't need to ask what someone's been up to first.
David Hassell
@macknuttie That's so great to hear -- that's one of the key benefits we hear over and over again from our customers, and plan to highlight in our marketing going forward.
Natalie Akers
We've been on 15five for the last few months and couldn't be happier. Especially useful for recalling performance in our quarterly review sessions and gauging less tangible feedback (like personal happiness) on a weekly basis. We mainly use it as a conversation starter!
David Hassell
@natiakers This is great to hear Natalie! I often describe 15Five as a conversation starter as well.
Shanelle Mullin
I've been using 15Five for years now. It's dead simple, it's well-designed, and you can't argue with the results.
Greg Van Horn
I've been a big fan of 15Five for quite some time, we've been using it for over a year now and the feedback we (even as a small partially distributed team) get is great. The biggest factor is to make sure you entire team wide buy in. The only thing I would love to see is a more customizable email reminder on the time when the report is due. It would be great to get reminded the day of within an hour or so of a particular time vs the day before. Keep up the good work!
David Hassell
@domydeal Thanks for the feedback! We'll definitely take this into consideration.
Chuck Longanecker
We've used 15Five every single week since it's early alpha. It bubbles up the best and worst happenings in your company so you can actually do something about it.
I'm a huge fan of 15five. It fills this dual role of open feedback to and from supervisors. The regularity of it makes it easy to catch issues before they become too big, and also an opportunity to recognize good work in a timely manner. The ROI on this tool is incredible. Very little effort and so much value. If you're in the position of reviewing others' 15fives, keep in mind that it will take some time, especially if you're reviewing >10. It's best to keep the number of reports you review at or below 7.
Kevin Callanan
Big fan of 15Five. Helps my coworkers know what I've been up to and helps me keep track of what I have accomplished and my goals for the next week
Natalie DeVito
LOVE 15Five! It has been a huge facilitator in keeping me connected with team members in different offices and across different zones. The high-five features allows me to give some credit to my teammates and a birds-eye view of what other folks are working on/kicking a$$ on. The check-in feature helps me get a handle on how my team members are feeling week over week and the 1:1 feature makes it easy to prioritize topics and keep track of my OKRs
Chu Quang Tú
Love this product so much. Everything from Design, Features, Support, Sale.. is great. This like new standard of making software. Only 01 concern that 15Five doesn't offer monthly plan, as paying annual commitment is a big deal to startup like us. PS: Don't get me wrong that 15Five only applicable for SME, small startup (but profittable) also care about developing their staff. That's why monthly plan is crucial for us.