Chris Messina

1Password 7 for Mac and Windows - Save your passwords and log in to sites with a single click

Top Hunter

1Password 7 for Mac and Windows is our biggest launch to date.

- All new design to help you find what you need faster

- Windows Hello and Touch ID with Secure Enclave support to unlock in a flash

- Tight integration with memberships and support for standalone vaults

- Nested tags, 2fa support, Watchtower, and SO much more!

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Lorenzo Setale

I have been using 1Password 6 for long time, with an old one time license. Now instead I have to pay monthly for an upgrade that has only UI changes, and something something related to TouchID...

Not very happy.


The same 1password, just better UI


Requires a subscription, so my 1Password 6 license is not usable anymore

Manos Theodosis
You can buy a one time license again. I have done this as well. And I don't think it is fair to say that it has only UI changes. You can see a list of all the new features in their website.
Hey there, Lorenzo! Thanks so much for your thoughts! We highly recommend subscriptions for most customers, but if you're not a fan, no worries! We still offer licenses for 1Password 7. If you'd like to purchase a license, simply click on the license option when launching 1Password for the first time and follow any additional on-screen instructions. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions! I'm happy to help in any way that I can!
Connor Hicks
Hello Hunters! We're back again after our incredible 1Password Business launch to bring you some more awesome goodies: 1Password 7 for Mac And Windows are the biggest upgrades we have released *ever*, and 1Password members get it all for free. As soon as 1Password 7 hits your machine, you'll notice the crisply re-thought lockscreen and the deep integration with Touch ID and Windows Hello. Unlock with a touch, or a smile, and you'll be delighted by the bold new dark sidebar. Use 1Password from your browser and the brand new 1Password Mini will make your items easier to find and get you back to what you were doing faster. Dig a little deeper, and you'll find so many improvements, a millennial's Pinterest board couldn't hold them all. Compose a secure note with the powerful new Markdown compatibility. Drag and drop items between vaults for quick and simple organizational nirvana. If that's not enough, add tags to items that are nested more snugly than a baby bird after breakfast. The new Watchtower with "Have I Been Pwned?" and Two-Factor Auth support will give you a constantly up-to-date overview of your online security. Oh and yes, you can buy a license for it instead if that's how you roll. We know you are going to love 1Password 7, and we would love to answer any and all questions you may have here in the comments, or over on Twitter @1Password. Enjoy!!
@1password @cohix What options are offering users with Mac version 6.8.9?
Connor Hicks
@1password @hellotom You can download 1Password 7 from the Mac App Store, or you can download it from our website: !
@1password @cohix is it a paid upgrade or do you have an offer? Do you have an upgrade for standalone version without subscription?
Connor Hicks
@1password @hellotom It is a paid upgrade, yes! If you download from our website, you can purchase a license for version 7, but the Mac App Store version is for subscriptions only. There is launch day pricing at $15 off the regular price.
@1password @cohix thanks Connor. For how long will you be offering the discount?
Not sure why this is hunted again and featured again. It was officially hunted+launched by the 1Password team a week ago.
Connor Hicks
@arunsathiya There was a bit of a mix-up, this is now a combo post for our Mac and Windows launches, which were last week and today, respectively :) Sorry for the repeat!!
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
This kind of product has only become increasingly relevant and necessary. I've been with 1Password since at least version 3.0 in 2010. The best new feature in 7.0 is the ability to sign in to native apps — not just browsers!
@chrismessina Native app support 🙌🏽
I've been using dashlane from its beta stage, tried some other password managers but they all missed something, thus i stayed with Dashlane. So Let me ask you a direct question here, how 1password is better than Dashlane??? Could you show the comparison??
Great update, I like the new design, team! The Inactive 2FA section on Watchtower shows a lot of accounts, for which I have already enabled 2 step verification. Is there a way I can correct this, or teach 1Password?
Connor Hicks
@arunsathiya If you're using another app for the 2FA codes, or you're using a different 2FA method, you can add a "2FA" tag to any item to make Watchtower ignore it in that report :)
Anders Bech Mellson

I've been using 1Password for years and it simply keeps getting better with every release. I now have my entire family on a subscription as well, now I just need to make them actually use it 😊


Flexible, feature rich and gorgeous password manager


Can be hard to understand / use for non-technicals

Hey there, Anders! Thanks so much for your feedback and support! So we can improve in the future, do you have any suggestions for how we could make 1Password more user-friendly?
Arlo Gilbert
Been using 1Pass forever but I'm kind of disappointed in this latest release. The browser based dialog that used to be minimalist and do it's job is now this massive window where functionality that used to be there isn't. Not thrilled with this update.
J. Alexander Curtis
@arlogilbert I have to agree with this. The browser extension used to be much more minimalist. It would really only show you relevant information for the site you are currently on. You could search also to find an item that might exist but isn't registering for the current site, but it was small and unobtrusive. The newer-ish update introduced "1Password X" in the browser (chrome had this for a while, pretty new in firefox) which is cool in many ways (i live the integration directly in the input fields, especially for suggesting secure passwords on a site you are registering for), but the popup box on the top of the browser now is basically the full 1Password experience. I don't quite know the difference between opening the full app and the extension now. I like the addition that "1Password X" brought with the integration directly in the input fields, but i wish the top right menu item would open up the more minimalist menu in the older versions. I know i can have the full 1Password experience by opening it up using shortcuts with from Alfred or Spotlight. Most of the time i need the minimal box. THe full 1Password only needs to be opened up once a week or so and i like not dealing with the extra stuff of the full application every time i get a password.
@arlogilbert @_jacurtis Hey there! Thanks so much for your feedback! The new mini has definitely been receiving lots of feedback, both positive and negative, so we really appreciate your thoughts! I'll pass this along to the team. Many of our users wanted a way to be able to use 1Password when they weren't able to download the main 1Password app, which is why we developed 1Password X. Between the extension and 1Password X, feel free to use whichever one you feel most comfortable with! :)
Arlo Gilbert
@_jacurtis @blowenthal3 Your comment makes no sense. I don't get to choose what I use. Now I am forced to use this massive cludgy interface. It's not like this is an app I only use once in a while, rather I probably open the dialog 100+ times a day while I navigate my work applications. As a power user I can tell you with absolute confidence that this interface is less efficient and makes me work harder to get the same thing done.
@_jacurtis @arlogilbert I apologize if my comment caused any confusion, Arlo. I'll pass along these additional details to the team.
Tony Calvis
Really great product. I appreciate not just the value and ease it brings to securing data, but also how reliable it’s been the past several years I’ve had it.
Connor Hicks
@tonycalvis Thanks for the kind words, Tony :)
Bogdan Slovyagin

1. They force you to subscribe and almost begging you to remove old vault file after a switch. It's a trap. There's no way back. You cannot export vault back, just plain unecrypted text without attachments. Ha!

Also AgileBits removes all negative related comments at their blog. Love that kind of transparency and openness!

2. The UI is a awful. The previous version was sleek and functional. The new one is busy and full of unnecessary bells and whistles traditional for certain class of expensive and useless utilities. - this is the hilarious example of over-designed marketing bs. The redesign for the sake of redesign, just to justify the switching to the new version.

The Mini is so dense and distractive now, sigh. BTW, they even managed to make its menu bar icon worse. Just look at this ugly antialiasing. Yeah, nice touches!

3. App became sluggish. Try to remove couple items and see what will happen.

4. Cmd+\ combination could not be remapped to the old browser only behaviour. It now interferes with my custom shortcuts in a text editor. I wrote to the support and heard no answer back. Premium support all the things!

5. They removed folders ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

It's a tale as old as time. Something cool becomes worse and worse because of the greedy.

Going to switch back to the 6th version, hope it will be usable for some time.

Do not see why almost everyone is so excited about then.




Became worse in every aspect

Hey there, Bogdan! I'm really sorry to hear that you've had this experience. Let's see what I can do to help. 1. You're completely right in that we greatly recommend accounts over standalone licenses. They're the most secure, convenient, and feature-rich way of using 1Password. We also understand that not everyone wants an account, which is why, based on user feedback, we continued to support and offer licenses in 1Password 7. If you signed up for an account and would rather switch back to using a standalone vault, no worries! Here’s a nifty guide that should walk you through the steps: 2. Our design team spent months meticulously crafting the new design for 1Password 7, but that definitely doesn't mean that it's perfect. We've been receiving a lot of suggestions and feedback for changes to the UI, both positive and negative, so we really appreciate you sharing your thoughts with us. I'll pass this along to the design team so they'll know your feelings on this. When you say that 1Password Mini seems dense, would you mind expanding on that a bit? I'd love to know what we could improve in the future. 3. One of the focal points for v7 was improving the performance of the apps, so I’m really sorry to hear that it seems like a downgrade to you. Would you be open to sharing your ticket ID with me so I can get some eyes on your request? We can also investigate the performance issue with you in the same conversation. 4. I’m sorry that the keyboard shortcut isn’t your jam. If you head over to your 1Password Preferences, you can change the combination under the “General” tab. 5. Folders are indeed gone, but they’ve been replaced with something better: Tags! We introduced a more flexible and powerful method of organizing your data a while back in the form of tags. As of 1Password 7 for Mac, we’ve upgraded that feature to nested tags. Your standard hierarchical folders are automatically converted to nested tags when you upgrade to 1Password 7. Smart Folders are still available for standalone vaults, but only on the Mac platform. I hope that this helps, but if you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. We’re here to help!
Bogdan Slovyagin
@blowenthal3 Thanks for the comprehensive feedback! First of all, I want to emphasize I'm not strongly against the subscription model as such. Of course, I’ll be absolutely fine to pay more for future updates if they were any useful. The most alerting thing is the manner you convincing users to switch. Unclear and somewhat hostile for users already were dedicated. The changes between 6th and 7th versions weren’t earth-shattering at all, but the UI shows off like they really were and suffers badly because of it. Mini. It is a subject to a whole academic paper about how the UI of this thing degraded. I don’t need it to show off everything it is capable for simultaneously. Approx. 80% of the time I need it to do one single thing - paste a password. The other usage scenarios weren’t polished enough, but at least they were concealed and didn’t distract. Keyboard shortcuts. This. See absolutely no rational reason to change them, I get used to them for 5 years of using 1Password. Is it a positive change I should pay for? Doubt so. Tags are somewhat okay, but folders were much better. Now to create a tag you gotta open an entry, switch to an edit mode, scroll down a window to a tags section, edit it and finally save an entry.
@metaword My pleasure! We value your additional thoughts about 1Password mini, the keyboard shortcuts, and tags! Feedback is one of the most important things we can gather, so we really appreciate this. We created 1Password memberships based on feedback from our customers, who for a long time wanted syncing and sharing made easier. One of the main pain points for us after releasing our accounts service was the way that we were communicating the differences in the services. There was definitely confusion, and we wanted to create a clearer way for our users to get the information they needed, while still encouraging new users to sign up for accounts. There's still a lot of work to do, but we're hoping that accounts will eventually reduce the confusion and hassle. We love our dedicated and long-time users. You're the reason why 1Password has grown into the service that it is. Heck, it's even the reason why I'm able to have the privilege of replying to you now. You all always have and always will hold a special place in our hearts, so I'm really sorry that you found our communication to be hostile. For the other issues, do you still have that ticket ID handy from before? We'd be happy to take a peek under the hood so we can get you up and running again. :) Thanks so much again, Bogdan! Feel free to let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!
Pavlo Pedenko
Cool! That's one of the best product on Mac market. I think, we already have today's product hunt's product of the day.
Connor Hicks
@graver_ua Cheers Pavlo :)
Wilco de Kreij
Been a fan of 1Password for a long time, so obviously... I had to try 1Password 7 as well. Well... so far, not good - lol. It imported all logins 3 times, meaning every password shows up 3 times in the list. I'm sure support is able to figure it out, could be just a minor bug. Other than that - looking good!
Wilco de Kreij
Hmm - ever since I updated, all items are there 3 times. Mailed support 3 days ago - no response. Would've expected more :) My advice: stick with 1Password 6 until the initial bugs have been solved.
@emarky Hey there, Wilco! I'm so sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Were you able to get the duplication issue resolved? If not, please feel free to send me your ticket mask so I can get some eyes on it.
Mike Schilder🇨🇦
I can't say enough good about this app. The first thing I install on a new piece of hardware, and just an expertly crafted app for its purpose. Slick, smooth, effective, and safe. Worth every penny
Bryan Maniotakis
Finally switched over to the subscription model. The 2FA integration is by far the biggest time saver in this version.
Literally the only password manager worth considering on Mac
Denis K.
Plse return to browser extension ability to search in suggested items. If you have about 30 accounts in one website you need fast filter in suggested items, but if you start filling search line, 1password extension switches from suggested to all base. It's very annoying.
A release note can be short. Please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 create short, succinct product and feature release descriptions. It's great to see you are enjoying your product but it's really annoying to have to work oneself through the extensive prose each time. Instead of letting 1pswd look smarter it merely seems to obfuscate the work you have done and makes it difficult to get an idea of what has changed. For reference
@hellotom Thanks so much for your feedback on our release notes, Tom! I'll pass this along to the team. :)
How is this better than LastPass?
@mileung would be keen to see an updated comparison versus LastPass also - including any migration tools and methods available
Trevin Chow
@mileung one big reason is 1Password has a far superior UX and is easier to use. The LP chrome extension is slow and clunky.
Kurt Krumme

Find a good password manager that's a one-time purchase. Not every app can be a subscription...


Password manager is a must, and this is a pretty good one


Lousy pricing policy. Subscription model for a product that doesn't get better.

Thanks so much for your candid feedback, Kurt! 1Password 7 for both Mac and Windows supports standalone licenses if you're not a fan of accounts. If you're still interested, feel free to check out these articles for information about upgrading: and - I'm here if you have any other questions or concerns!

I have 1Password 6.8. It syncs with iCloud, it works great. I see no benefit to justify paying every month, I would much rather pay one-off upgrade price every couple of years rather than have to budget for a such a small cost every month. Small costs are easy to afford but for accounting they are major headache, especially if there are lots of subscriptions.




Subscription fee