@rotemthegolfer@bentossell The need for a physical scanner has changed in the last few years. You are correct, that phones have taken away some classic applications of the scanner, but certain areas require a hardware scanner. For example with PocketScan we control the lighting which allows us to take great scans anywhere.
@bentossell I need a pocket flattener for curled up receipts -- a glare-proof receipt-sized rectangle of transparent plastic could work. Where do I get that?
@alihassanm110 I hope that current version is better, I own the one from the Kickstarter and it was pretty buggy and the Scanner Pro app was much better! The problems I experienced were 1. bluetooth connectivity issues, 2. the scanning algorithm - I wasn't able to scan the whole page with as 1 piece, there were always some missing parts, or the parts that didn't fit together, and if I really focused on moving device slowly and precisely it took too much time to scan the page. And at the same time Scanner Pro was super convenient, so I didn't use it that much.
However it was 2 years ago, so I hope they improved a lot :).
@eboy@alihassanm110 Well our PocketScan controls the lighting used while scanning. This allows for a good scan in all lighting conditions, which may be challenging for an scanner app.
@pmlocek@alihassanm110 Yay! Thank you for backing us on Kickstarter! We did have some trouble with the Bluetooth connectivity at launch, but that has since been resolved. We have also improved our scanning algorithm. Please give it a try again :)
Hunted PocketScan two years ago when they launched their kickstarter campaign. PocketScan is now available for anyone to purchase.
Scan everything, in any size – even things that don't fit into your old-fashioned scanner. Move PocketScan across any document, drawing, text, texture or image. Anything you scan is instantly displayed on the screen. PocketScan is as small as a business card, only 1" wide and weighs just 85 grams. PocketScan is connected to your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone via Bluetooth
Thanks to the clever built-in illumination, it works under any lighting condition to create a consistently clear scan with bright colors. PocketScan works great with applications like Evernote or the Microsoft Office suite. Tables are transformed into spreadsheets and accurate OCR allows instant text-editing in Word.
It instantly recognizes text in over 60 different languages.And since text recognition runs locally on the device, it works great even with poor internet connectivity.
While moving PocketScan across your documents, the content is assembled in real-time and transferred to your computer or smartphone. Because of that, PocketScan can comfortably scan up to A4 , some devices allowing for as large as A3.
It retails at $149.
Digitize me, cap'n! I'd love for this to somehow just be an app - but I realize we're working with hardware with limitations with smart phones. Can't be all things to all people. That said, this looks handly for getting away from that hardcopy life. @dacuda@kwdinc
@elizabethhunker We have a lot of professionals that are on the road who use PocketScan as it allows them to have a "real" scanner with them everywhere they go. It does come handy!