Evelina Radoycheva

3veta Marketplace Builder - Build your own professional services marketplace in a day


The most powerful solution to build service marketplaces from scratch. 3veta Marketplace Builder handles everything - from marketplace listings to managing bookings, in-app video calls, payments, and much more.

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Iliya Valchanov
Hey PH community, Iliya here โ€“ Co-founder & CEO of 3veta. Weโ€™ve been building 3veta for 3 years now. Back in 2020, we set out to build โ€˜the go-to solution for meetings onlineโ€™. And we built a great tool that helps 5000+ experts meet clients. Butโ€ฆ Time and time again, entrepreneurs told us: ๐Ÿ’ฌ โ€˜Help me build an expert marketplace where {insert-experts} meet clientsโ€™. ... where the experts were: coaches, tutors, accountants, motivational speakers, doctors, therapists, etc. After we heard this for the 10th time, we decided to productize it. We used our tried and tested technology to create a marketplace builder for expert services. The TechCrunch Disrupt 2022 stage was the first place we announced it. And this helped us power 5 expert marketplaces. See one of them here: https://contabi.net/ Today, we launch in front of the biggest tech community in the world! --- Does your idea involve: ๐Ÿ‘‰ Bookings ๐Ÿ‘‰ Video calls ๐Ÿ‘‰ Self-service onboarding ๐Ÿ‘‰ Logged-in area and listing management ๐Ÿ‘‰ Analytics dashboard Then use our experience to build, prototype, monetize, and scale. Curious how this works? Play with our interactive demo here: https://3veta.com/paas-demo/
Swapnil D Puranik
@iliya_valchanov Congratulations on the launch! Love the clear outlining of multiple use-cases and ease of getting started. I see myself using the marketplace module to validate one of my ideas in the near future.
Nikola Babiฤ‡
@iliya_valchanov @swapdp_01 Hi Swapnil, this is exactly why we've built the marketplace builder. You no longer need to spend a lot of time and money to validate your idea. We can help you test it within one week! I'd be happy to hear what you have in mind ๐Ÿ˜Š
Rolando Vargas
@iliya_valchanov Congratulations on the launch. I'm a loyal user, and I thank you for building this useful tool that makes my life easier.
Nikola Babiฤ‡
We've been working very hard to release the marketplace builder for you guys! I can't wait to hear the Product Hunt community feedback. Please let us know what you think, what should we add, improve etc. And obviously use our interactive demo ๐Ÿ˜Š
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@nikola_babic Thanks for all the energy that you and all ?makers have spent on this upgrade!
Nikola Babiฤ‡
@ilko_kacharov haha it's our baby, I'm so happy to see the product where it is today!
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
I hope this product helps the community to build their own marketplaces with ease since it's part of the "no code" movement.
Iliya Valchanov
@ilko_kacharov ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€
Iskren Vankov
@ilko_kacharov no-code is the future for sure. Thanks for making it happen!
Iskren Vankov
Incredibly powerful and versatile - the future of no-code marketplace building!
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@iskrenvankov Thanks for the vision and energy that you've spent building the future of 3veta!
Katya Vaptsarova [Team-GPT]
Hello PH people, Donโ€™t forget to check out our interactive demo: https://3veta.com/paas-demo/ ๐Ÿš€ Just put the name of your website and play with it โ–ถ๏ธ It is fast, easy, and cool! And you will see all amazing features we have prepared for you ๐Ÿ˜Š
Mariya Valchanova
I am loving the interactive demo!
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@mariya_valchanova The real-time demo helps people to grasp the idea behind the platform with less effort. It saves time watching boring videos.
Yavor Belakov [Team-GPT]
It was a lot of work to make this live! Hopefully this PH launch will help a lot of people find the solution they need!
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@yavorbel I hope the community will see its potential and try it out for themselves.
Evelina Radoycheva
We are so overwhelmed with all the positive feedback we have received so far ๐Ÿ™ Thank you so much! Don't forget to play around with our interactive demo and feel free to reach out if you have any questions. ๐Ÿ‘‰ https://3veta.com/paas-demo/
Aliaksei Saskevich
Congratulations on launch ๐Ÿš€ I think there are a lot of products can be extended with built-in marketplace - messengers, health apps, streaming services and more and more and more ๐Ÿ’ช So hope to integrate your solution one day in own projects! ๐Ÿ˜… Nice design and amount of available features! Keep doing! ๐Ÿ‘
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@asaskevich Thanks for the nice words! We're always trying to be on top of the wave when it comes to features and integrations. We're gonna keep them rolling :)
Nikola Babiฤ‡
@asaskevich Thank you Aliaksei! We built 3veta in such a way to make it easy to integrate our modules (video, scheduling, payments etc) in either existing apps or those being built. So if you ever have a need for any of our modules on something you're building we can definitely help you out
Nedko Kolev
I've been searching for a solution like this for a long time, and I'm so excited to have found it finally. I'm sure it will be a game-changer for many businesses who want to build a service marketplace platform. How many days does it usually take to build a platform from scratch?
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@nedko_kolev I hope the marketplace builder helps you achieve your business goals with ease. Normally it takes one business day to get the platform up and running. Keep in mind that it includes a lot of moving parts like Stripe Connected account, Grafana monitoring, and your dedicated AWS EC2 instances.
Iren Kiryazova
Congratulations on the launch ๐Ÿš€! Seems like a long-awaited solution to an overwhelmingly difficult process! You make service-providing easy!
Iliya Valchanov
@iren_kiryazova1 Thank you so much, Iren! You know how much effort we've put into it!
Nikola Babiฤ‡
@iren_kiryazova1 Thank you Iren! Best part of the 3veta Marketplace Builder? It gets made within one work week. So if you want to test out your idea, you don't have to spend months and thousands anymore to make it happen!
Nikola Nikolov
Congrats on your launch, 3veta team! I know the product very well. I just wanted to say that I truly appreciate the teamโ€™s effort to put so much thought into the user experience. The user onboarding process is as smooth as it could be. The analytics give me a full overview of how people use my platform. The video and scheduling features are impeccable. Overall, great job!
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@ndnikolov Thanks! We're aiming for great transparency and operability of the platform.
Iliya Valchanov
@ndnikolov Thank you, Nikola! We are trying our best to provide the best possible experience! Onboarding is so smooth thanks to @iskrenvankov , @ilko_kacharov and @yavorbel ! Also @nikola_babic helps quite a bit!
marinko djukic
Such a clever idea! With all that branding options and the ability to get paid, I bet that this online service marketplace builder will be a total game-changer for many makers, entrepreneurs, and startups. Congrats on your launch!
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@makadjukic Yeah, paywalls are helpful to get traction to a starting business, especially when dealing with no-code tools.
Nikola Babiฤ‡
@makadjukic We fully white-label your platform including the emails that your clients receive. If you want to see some examples of platforms we've built so far let's have a call: https://nikola.3veta.com/booking
Polina Pavlova
Iโ€™m glad to see you launching your new product on Product Hunt. Imho, this marketplace builder has the potential to revolutionize the way online service platforms work. I can't wait to see how it grows and evolves over time.
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@polina_pavlova1 Thanks! I hope it does
Joseph V. Lawrence
Hey, congrats on your launch! ๐ŸŽ† Exactly what I needed! I can't wait to start using this online service marketplace builder to grow my marketplace. Sooo many features. My users will be more than happy with the upgrade.
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@joeviscious We hope this upgrade of the platform brings joy to all of your users. We'll keep rolling out new features, so this is just a start.
Mila K
@iliya_valchanov I tried the interactive demo and checked your landing page. All that features make this service marketplace builder a no-brainer for anyone looking to build their own marketplace. Really cool! Congrats and good luck!
Iliya Valchanov
@mila_k We really put some effort into the interactive demo! Thank you!
Dragana Vasic
Iโ€™ve just checked your product. It looks fantastic and the features seem incredibly useful and user-friendly. I can't wait to try it out for my business idea. Thanks for the live demo link!
Nikola Babiฤ‡
@draganavasic Thank you very much! Whatever your business idea may be, I'm sure we can accommodate it with our builder.
Petya Dimitrova
Congrats on your launch! I'm so excited to try out this online service marketplace builder. The customization options for branding really sets it apart from others. Great job and good luck!
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@petya_dimitrova1 Customization is one of the key features since everyone has their own brand and identity and they want their marketplace to match that.
Ankur Singh
Congrats on the launch!!
Iliya Valchanov
@singh_ankur Thank you, Ankur!
Denitsa Kovacheva
Congrats on your launch! Iโ€™ve played with the interactive demo. Great job! I've been waiting for a platform like this to come along! I'm already envisioning all the possibilities for my business. Can't wait to get started! :)
Ilko Kacharov [Team-GPT]
@denitsa_kovacheva1 Thanks! We've created an interactive demo to help everyone understand what we're trying to achieve without 10-minute videos or old-school presentations.