
+500 Openers for Tinder written by GPT-3 - GPT-3 generated thousands of openers & we picked the best


Can't find the right words to start a conversation? We have used GPT-3 to generate dozens of thousands of Tinder openers and picked the best of them (according to our limited experience).

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"How much do you pee per day?" - that is the best opener ever. What could go wrong?
Andron Silver
@vasgo you are laughing but maybe this line is the best for pickup
@andron_silver With some charisma, I can imagine someone pulling it off on the street, yep. But hardly on Tinder :)
Can we have +500 best responses by GPT-3? Then they would hook up and have a baby. Then the world will end, likely..
GPT-3 is an amazing tool for brainstorming, and we would not be able to write this work on our own. This is probably one of the first handbooks written extensively by GPT-3, and we estimate there will be many more. Some examples: What’s the most interesting thing you’ve ever found in a trashcan? What is your opinion on the selfie stick? How many rubber ducks are too much? Note: We are not going to lie to you. An excellent opener is rarely based on CTRL+C and CTRL+V. Be genuinely interested, change the openers accordingly, make them yours, or even start the conversation by answering one of those questions yourself. This was one of the experiments with GPT-3. We are a small team working on a language learning app that uses GPT-3 (www.yadada.app). Generate your very own openers for given topic with our prompt: === PROMPT === The following are witty openers for Tinder: ### TOPIC: BOOKS OPENERS: I’m starting a book club, but my house is too small. Which Harry Potter house do you belong to? If you were asked to live your life as any book character, which one would you choose? Tell me three things you have in common with your favorite book character. Have you ever swam through an entire book? What book had the biggest impact on your life? ### TOPIC: PSYCHOLOGY OPENERS: Have you ever had two days in a row where you didn’t text anyone? How much do you pee per day? Are you a certified psychologist? Do you give pro-bono therapy? What’s the difference between you and a psychologist? Are you an expert on human behavior? ### TOPIC: === END ===
Harsh Gelda
Feels more like Ice-Breakers rather than Openers. Great Work!!! :)
Amor Avhad
Nice lol. I've had luck with "Whats 1 + 1?"
This is amazing. Bought and will try :)
Steve Biddick
The most interesting thing I ever found in a trashcan was a Larvel dev.