Tyson Simas

Ads Generator - Automatically generate HQ ads and headlines

We just launched a small tool for people looking for inspiration for their ads.
We're still really early, so we don't have a lot of templates but we're hoping we can reach 500 ads by the end of the year.

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Tyson Simas
Hey, Let me know if you have any questions!
Tyson Simas
Quick update: If the page looks broken please DISABLE YOUR ADBLOCK. Because of the "ads" text everywhere on the site the ad blocker just ends up blocking everything.
Rahul Vats
@csgotalks_com Congratulations for the launch. Would love to know what sort of intelligence or data have you backed it with to generate ads?
Daryl Bartkunsky
Nice work ?makers ...are there plans to allow auto deployment into social channel or is it only going to provide examples? Also found the list of categories a bit limited is there a plan to increase to include hardware/fintech/saas/retail
Tyson Simas
@sbrands Yes we're looking to add way more categories and templates. As for auto-deployment I don't think we can get to the point where you can just add your name and publish the ads, you'll always need to tweak corrections, maybe customize your images a bit more. It will not be perfect. So for now we're not planning it.
Prashanth Vaidya
The site isn't loading properly.
Tyson Simas
@emarky most likely your adblock is blocking the site?
Wilco de Kreij
@csgotalks_com Don't have any adblockers installed. Tried it from Chrome, Safari & Firefox, but no matter what I type in as a keyword, I get zero results - see https://d.pr/i/2n3ipu
Wilco de Kreij
@csgotalks_com Just tried it on my iPhone - same thing, see https://share.getcloudapp.com/6q... . Doesn't work for me.
Tyson Simas
@emarky you have to pick a category, second column. for some reason the drop-down arrow is broken on your screen. I'll look into it.
Abu Baba
look greats and awesome
Albert S.
Sounds like a great idea!
Hreniuc Corneliu Alin
nice team!
tim gilur
Greeat work, really nice :D
Крис Армстронг
hope it will help people to find their inspiration !
Dirk Hoekstra
Looks good, I love how original the idea is!
Marco Colonna (TOVOT)
link doesent work
Marco Colonna (TOVOT)
@csgotalks_com I haven't thought of the obvious, a site about advertisements hates any app that blocks advertisements; thanks for illuminating me (is not sarcasm).
David Bensemoun
very cool, just tried and already have two potential ads
Abu Baba
great and nice product
Abu Baba
greate one
Nunzio Martinello
Do you guys have APIs?