Grigor Aghabalyan

8Password for iOS - Secure password manager

8Password can help you securely store all your passwords and details of your accounts in one place.

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Grigor Aghabalyan
Hi ProductHunters! We all become sensitive when it comes to storing our personal information, that's why we give huge importance to this issue. 8Password can help you safely store and manage your personal data, all you need is just remember a master key. Key Features: • Save your time, stay organized with 8Password and store your information. • Store unlimited number of passwords securely. • Enable Touch ID, Face ID or PIN for a secure way to access quickly and easily. • The protection mechanism is offline since it is only on your device. • Customize all fields by yourself and create new ones. • Separate your most used information in the Favorites. • Encrypted data for maximum security. Our Security: • With one Master Key, only you have the access to your data. • All data are stored in your device, no one except you could read it. • Your data is stored using security standards, cryptographic algorithms such as “AES-256” to encrypt and decrypt data.
Nat Lev
How is this more secure than the rest of PWD Managers?
Grigor Aghabalyan
@nlevyr Thank you for your interest shown on our product. The application is encrypting data by AES 256 algorithm and keep encrypted data in a user device. Only users have access to their own data. For more information here is a web page:
Patrick Thompson
@nlevyr @grigor_aghabalyan But the question was, "How is this MORE secure...?" You listed reasons that virtually every other popular password manager already uses.
Hasmik Manandyan
♾Use 8Password as a digital vault to keep track of all your passwords. ♾‼️ It's worth it for the convenience and peace of mind. ✔️🙃
Grigor Aghabalyan
@hasmik_manandyan Thank you for your feedback :)
Susanna Grigoryan
This is very helpful application with great design, and it is easy to use !!!!!!!!
Արման Աղաբալյան
Raz Mkrtchyan
Безусловно отличное приложение. Мне нравится, всё понятно и чётко. Работает корректно, удобный и красивый интерфейс. Спасибо разработчикам!)
Varsine Manandyan
Very useful app for nowadays! 👍🏻
Тагир Гасратов
Спасибо большое за полезное приложение разработчикам.
Elen Hakobyan
This is very helpful application 👌🏻👍🏻
Michael Bryan
This seems very helpful!
Shivani Shah
This seems like a resourceful way to stay organized
Grigor Aghabalyan
@shivani_shah3 Thank you for your feedback :)
Важико Малхасян
Очень хорошо и Нужное предложения , главное безопасное , советую всем )))
Grigor Aghabalyan
@new_user_204a2b9008 Спасибо за ваш отзыв !
Интересная задумка разработков! В наши дни, просто не обходими такии приложении. чтобы почувствовать защищеност от мошенников, Спасибо им за их друд!
Grigor Aghabalyan
@raz_mkrtchyan1 Спасибо за ваш отзыв !
Ernie Gould
Hm, looks so simple.
Brian Rine
Great tool. Will it be the app for Android?
Grigor Aghabalyan
@brian_rine Thank you for your feedback! Currently, it is for iOS ( iPhone and iPad ). In the near future, 8Password will support Android.
What makes this different from other password managers in your opinion? no desktop app?
Grigor Aghabalyan
@aadrnn Thank you for your interest shown on our product and for the question. 8Password seeks to provide a reliable and comfortable way to keep passwords. Development for Mac already started - will be ready soon. Hope you like our product.
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Grigor Aghabalyan
@isnhp Thanks for your feedback. We have created the name a long time ago and nothing has affected our decision while choosing that name, because we associated symbol "8" with "∞" which we tried to demonstrate on the home page: which means you can store unlimited passwords.
Taus Noor
If the passwords are stored in my device -- how does it get from one device to another (if I use this on multiple devices)?
Grigor Aghabalyan
@gazeattaus Thanks for your feedback. We added "Export Passwords" functionality. This functionality allows you to export passwords from your device to another one. More info.
Grigor Aghabalyan
@damjanski Thank you Damjanski!
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