Michael Estok

Design for Real Life - Develop inclusive practices


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Emily Hodgins
Recommended by @ginatrapani during her LIVE chat. From Gina; "I also got the chance to read a preview draft of Eric Meyer and Sara Wachter-Boettcher's new book, Design for Real Life, which just got released. That's required reading for anyone making apps and web sites, in my opinion." Fore more recommendations from Gina, check out her full LIVE Chat here: https://www.producthunt.com/live...
Victor Lombardi
The thesis is fascinating, but because it's so different I'd love to see an excerpt to better understand it. https://abookapart.com/products/...
@threefour I'm not sure if one is getting published, but you'll definitely understand the vein of it if you check out the following: The posts from each of us that started us writing: http://www.sarawb.com/2015/01/13... http://meyerweb.com/eric/thought... My talk from Design & Content:
Eric's talk at XOXO:
Hope that helps!
Diego Jimenez
Looking forward to read it!
@diegojimenez Great! I hope you find it useful in thinking about your work and your users. Get in touch with any questions!