Jordan Skole

ActiveCampaign Deals CRM for iOS - Thousands of won deals in your pocket.


Do you have pockets? A cell phone holster? A fanny pack? Other mode of carrying a cell phone? Escape the dull hum of your office’s AC and start closing deals in the field. Our simple, powerful mobile app provides you the tools to do business anywhere.

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John Morrison
Hello Product Hunters! I’m John, Product Manager for mobile at ActiveCampaign. For the unacquainted: ActiveCampaign is an email marketing, marketing automation and CRM platform for small to medium sized businesses. We’ve been around for 14 years but we’ve been in the automation space for 4 and CRM for 3. Oh and we’re based out of downtown Chicago. Today we’re excited to share with you our new ‘Deals CRM’ app for iPhone. This app lets an ActiveCampaign client with a ‘Plus’ account access their Contacts, Deals (our word for opportunities), and Tasks on the go. We’re of the mind set that business tools shouldn’t be hard to use, and that they can actually be a joy to use. We’ve spent a lot of time working on this app and we’ve got a long roadmap beyond 1.0 but we’d love to get your feedback and hear what you all think. Cheers!
John Morrison
@serkan_kayi Thanks! At this point the app has progressed far beyond what you see here as this post is now 3 years old. I have moved on from ActiveCampaign personally but the app is still in great hands. If you're curious what they're up to check out: Cheers!
Glazier Clinics
The app is a great next step for Deals. I find the app to be clean and very intuitive. This will help our sales teams to adapt quickly. I do not have any real cons at the moment as to the app. Included below are the items that hold our company back from being all in on Deals in AC. Needs to make Deals work better for our organization: 1. Organization detail and structure. We rely heavily on organizational data and relationships within the organization. 2. Ability to trigger automation, add to list or other items based on set rules. 3. Stronger roles based abilities within deals. Who can do what, see what. Happy with the direction and look forward to the features of deals to become more robust.
John Morrison
@glazierclinics Thanks for the feedback. We're working closely with our web platform's CRM team as well so we'll be sure to pass along the feedback about Organizations and user roles. The app already allows you to add a contact to a list, you can do it via the 'Edit' button on the top right of the Contact profile. As for automations, we made a deliberate choice to exclude that from 1.0 because our research showed that it wasn't something sales-people do frequently and in some cases Sales managers explicitly didn't want their salespeople doing. That said, I think it's only a matter of time before we add some hooks into the automation side of our service as we expand the scope beyond our initial 'salesperson' user-profile. Any insight into what your sales-people would be doing or looking to do with automation would be welcome!
@glazierclinics @localcelebrity In regards to #2, I would love to use ActiveCampaign for outreach, and for this automation would be very useful. Unfortunately you don't allow 'cold' email to be fired off via automations. A question - does this app have a view across all pipelines, deals and contacts which lists the latest activities? A bit like the view you have on the desktop version showing activities for each user, but just applied to all contacts and deals. And filterable, of course.
John Morrison
@glazierclinics @architxt thanks for the feedback. We have no plans to change our policies with regards to requiring direct opt-in for all campaigns and automated emails. These are based on some strongly held principals of our company and part of the reason we're able to offer industry leading deliverability in the email marketing space and, quite frankly, one of the many reasons I'm proud to work here. If those terms don't work for you I'm afraid we might not be the best platform for your business. As far as a cross pipeline deal view, I'm not sure what you're referring to? We don't have anything like that on the web platform, nor do we have anything like that planned for the mobile app. It is an interesting idea though, could you elaborate on what you're looking to accomplish? Thanks!
@glazierclinics @localcelebrity A passionate reponse! I've discussed this with you folk already and understand / appreciate why you have the policy in place. The workaround, by the way, is to send these emails via the profile / deal view in AC. So, not automating the process -- which also means that you *do* allow cold email ;) Apologies for not explaining clearly the other bit. I'd like to have a view a bit like the activity stream when viewing a contact that aggregates all activities for all contacts, with filtering options to 'cut' the list by activity type, associated pipeline, deals, deal stages, etc... I'd like to be able to see, for example, all activity for all contacts that have a deal in stage Y of pipeline X.
John Morrison
@glazierclinics @architxt Haha please excuse my passion, I've been with AC for five years. I used to manage our compliance and deliverability, these are things I value deeply. To your first point, we don't consider that a workaround! That is a very intentional distinction. Sending emails via automation are subject to anti-spam policies and laws no different than sending campaigns / newsletters. Manually sending solo emails from the contact / deal view however is, in our eyes, no different than sending via your own mail client and is not subject to the same concern or potential for abuse. As for the second thing, I follow now. We do have long term plans to show the individual activity stream for each contact but no plans for a global one, at least not right away. Also, no immediate plans for advanced search and segmentation like that. We need some work done from the web platform teams first to make that a more viable possibility. I'll never say never though.
Alex Schoepf

The app is really great and complements the web for on the road work


the essentials of a CRM is included, you can manage your contacts, notes and tasks


cannot see the web visits

John Morrison
Hey Alex, thanks for the comment! With regards to "web visits" can you elaborate on what you're referring to? Are you referring to the ActiveCampaign site tracking?
Rebecca Nedrow
Is there a way for an admin user to see all deals/contacts? When I log in on the web version, I have access to see all deals, even if they are not assigned to my username. But I am unable to see anything under my username on the app.
John Morrison
@rebecca_nedrow For 1.0 we only show Deals assigned to the logged in user. We'll be adding the ability to filter to see other users in a future update. If you're not seeing deals owned by you however please reach out to and they'll be happy to help. Cheers!
Rebecca Nedrow
@activecampaign @localcelebrity Thanks for the update. Logging in and out to be able to view deals assigned to each user will be a pain. But understandable. We will anxiously await an update that allows us to filter by user, as well as a version for Android!
John Morrison
@rebecca_nedrow I should mention that on the Contact view you can see all Deals associated with that contact regardless of the owner AND the search on the Deal Overview page will actually search all deals in all statuses in all users, so hopefully that helps in the interim.
Adam Rodnitzky
We've been happy users of ActiveCampaign for the past 18 months or so; looking forward to trying this out as well!
John Morrison
@adam_rodnitzky Thanks Adam, we're looking forward to hearing what feedback you have!
Viktor Nagornyy
When should we expect Android version?
John Morrison
@v1ktor No timeline yet but I can tell you we're actively hiring for Android developers:
Brad Stuart

I've been waiting for someone to develop a mobile app for Active Campaign and this seems to have everything I want and need in a logical and streamlined interface. So far I like it more than the desktop version.. except that I have 222 overdue tasks to complete.


Everything you need from AC on your mobile device!


Haven't found any yet

John Morrison
Hahaha thanks Brad. Hopefully the app makes it easier to complete those tasks so you can start chipping away at that queue.
Riad Mouawad

The app feels mature despite being a day old. It’s obvious the company invested well on it, I’d say that this effort should migrate onto the website.

I recommend ading the ability to delegate tasks to other team members.


Clean and slick. Most website features are available and easy to use. Great ux.


none at the time of review

John Morrison
Thanks Riad! We’re well aware people would like to be able to delegate tasks to other users and we’re working closely with the Deals team on the web platform to offer this in the future. Stay tuned. Thanks!
Jared Osborne

Love the use case focus you've brought to the app rather than trying to replicate the website. Opening to the contacts first - and how it's just as easy to use as the iOS app is awesome.

Big missing feature though is that calls/texts made don't seem to be recorded in the CRM. It doesn't make If each time a call/text was made from the app - and then it prompted you to write notes - this would be incredible.

If you had this feature, I'd be getting the team to use it asap, even though we use Salesflare for our pipelines (we'd just sync the data). Their app UI for the sales/client communication use case it terrible.

Are you intending to integrate notifications with it? That would be great for tasks.

Oh, and being able to easily switch accounts would be wonderful as well.


Clean, intuitive, Easy to use and navigate


Calls/text made from the app are not recorded in CRM

John Morrison
Hey Jared, thanks for the detailed response! We plan to look into call logging in the future but it really depends on what Apple’s native options include and allow. We haven’t dug into that yet. Notifications are definitely on our roadmap, I think there is a lot of exciting stuff we can do there, especially as they relate to tasks. No timeframe yet though. As for the account switching I’d love to hear more about what you’re looking to accomplish. Are you referring to fully separate AC accounts or different users within the same one? Thanks!
Jared Osborne
@localcelebrity separate accounts. I have a business I work with - as well as my own - and I got them onto AC. May not be a highly requested feature but I'd love it :).
John Morrison
@jaredosb Thanks for the insight Jared! You're not the only one requesting it, we've heard it from a few resellers and partners so I'd be interested in hearing more. If you don't mind, could you post it to That'll add it to our feedback database and it'll shoot it directly into my email. I can then reach out from there and we can correspond directly as I'd love to hear more about how you're using the tool. Cheers!
Chris Morris
Great to see Active Campaign finally entering the Mobile App space! Long awaited :) One request would be to have the ability to see other peoples Deals in your team. It's quite restrictive only seeing your own deals. Hope this can be added soon! Otherwise looks great!!
John Morrison
@chrismorris hey Chris, we cut this functionality from 1.0 so we could get the app into people’s hands sooner. Now that we’ve released the 1.0 this is the first piece of feature work we have planned. So it’s coming very soon. Our top priorities for the next few weeks are the following: 1. Bug Fixes 2. Filtering Deals 3. Things we’re not sharing yet Thanks for the kind words!
Iain Rogers

This app came along just in time! One of our founders wasn't willing to adopt activecampaign without a mobile app.


Easy to use, great for adding notes and finding phone numbers on the go


Doesn't seem to log emails sent

John Morrison
Hey Iain, So great to hear the success story that your company will be joining our platform! As for your feedback: built-in email tracking didn’t make the cut for 1.0 and we’re still evaluating it for the future, however there is a workaround in the meantime. If you want your sent emails to be tracked you can go to Settings > Deals on the web platform and connect the accounts you send from there and ActiveCampaign will automatically sync in all emails you send and receive from your contacts and show them on both the Contact and Deal records in the Email tabs. I hope this helps! We look forward to hearing more from you in the future.
Rod Robinson
Love the app, just missing the dashboard overview with the all contact count, interaction rate,etc....
John Morrison
@moneyskillsacademy hey Rod, thanks for the feedback. We would love to hear what stats specifically you find useful and would like to see in the app. We have a few ideas planned of ways to surface these but nothing planned for the moment, additionally, we’re not entirely certain this would be the best place for them. Your thoughts are welcome.
Luke Faccini

I want to be able to see the activities of my contacts to decide on actions/tasks I do on my phone.


Looks simple.


Can’t see activities for contacts

John Morrison
Thanks Luke! We’d like to do the activity stream eventually. When we got to it, we discovered somes large technical challenges so it didn’t make the cut for 1.0. We plan to work with the platform teams to see what we can do to overcome these. No firm timeline yet though. Thanks!
Rebecca Nedrow
After leaving the app and entering back in, it does not re-enter at the same place you left. Is there a way to change the settings to re-enter in the same pipeline and "group by" location?
John Morrison
@rebecca_nedrow hmm, it should be remembering this state. It's possible that we're not saving that properly. We'll look into it. Thanks!
Jay Rodriguez
Is there a plan for Android Implantation?
John Morrison
@jay_rodriguez yes but no timeframe to announce today. We are currently hiring for Android developers though!
Josh Moore
Wow - love the new app!! Really well thought out. I'm looking forward to getting into the detail of using it. One thing I spotted on my first use - the emails attached to deals don't have the merge tags populated. So each email I clicked on said, "Hi %FIRSTNAME%" - I thought, "Oh no! My merge tags didn't work and that got sent to the customer!!" But when I logged into the web-based version to check, the emails correctly had the merge tags in there. So it looks like it is just missing on the app.
John Morrison
@josh_moore1 hey Josh, yeah we didn't implement personalization tag parsing for 1.0. Thanks for the heads up. It's not on our immediate roadmap but it's something we hope to address in the future. Thanks!
Tune Support
UI needs a bit improvement. Overall great product.