Kevin William David

Affinity Photo - Professional photo editing software for Mac


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Andrzej Bakonski
Can someone explain "what is better" than say PS. I am a huge fan of PS but not looking for just a replacement or something that is faster since PS is fast enough based on hardware I run it on ;-) So what else?
Xavier Castaneda
@andrzejb200sx I love photoshop but this question is difficult to answer. "What is better" depends on what you are using photoshop for. If you are looking for a no cost photoshop equivalent/alternative, Gimp may be for you. If you are looking for more digital painting type features like brushes, color blending, oil paint simulation then maybe Corel Painter is for you. If you want photo management, maybe Lightroom or Aperture is for you. Photoshop is great because it does everything well but there are tools that handle specific tasks better. Affinity (haven't tried it yet) seems to focus on image editing (masking, blend modes, color adjustments, etc. Photoshop is just OK in this area so I would be open to a tool that improved this area.
Dale Cook
@xcast3d @andrzejb200sx Agreed that different apps have their strengths. Affinity Photo focuses on photographers and retouchers with a broad set of tools from RAW processing to full on image editing and a good brush engine too. I would say it lacks a bit in digital asset management, that may end up as a different app. However, Affinity Photo's biggest strength is its speed, so every tool you love, imagine it faster. No, faster than that. That's how fast it is. Live previews, instant updates, no beach balls, 60fps panning and zooming. Plus lots of editing is non-destructive, so you can edit filters, adjustments, effects etc any time. There are more unique things than I can fit in here but I'd also like to mention the 8000+ step Undo history that can be saved with a file for instant time travelling, and compatibility with our illustration app Affinity Designer... switch apps seamlessly, carry on working, save in whichever app you want as there's a single file format, and undo/redo steps in any app regardless of which one performed the steps. Task-focused workspaces and workflows have had a lot of attention, it should feel slicker in general than what a lot of people are used to, with tool performance raising the bar even further. :)
Thomas K. Running
@writer_dale Affinity Photo looks great! I tried replacing PS with Pixelmator before, but that failed miserably. AP looks like it can actually replace PS. However, I'm sure many people would like to try before they buy. How come you don't offer a trial like you do with Designer?
Dale Cook
@tkrunning @andrzejb200sx There will be a trial available for sure, will just take us a while to prep it, 3-4 weeks. Same was true for Affinity Designer, sorry it's not there already.
Frans Twisk
Instant buy. It's like Photoshop, but better and a lot faster! Well done.
Joe d'Elia
Wow. nuff said
Xavier Castaneda
Seems very cool. The price is very fair for something that could be so essential. I didn't see a trial on the site. Is there a trial version? That may help get some people to purchase.
Dale Cook
@xcast3d There will be a trial version available early in August, Xavier.
Kevin William David
Affinity Photo was in beta earlier has finally launched on the Mac Appstore
Dale Cook
Thanks for hunting @kwdinc ! Team Affinity set out with the goal of creating game changing software - and we believe that Affinity Photo is truly revolutionary! Check it out and let the devs know what you think via the Affinity Forum.
I've been trying the beta release and this is definitely a great PS replacement. Before this I tried others that didn't even come near the quality of Afinity Photo
I bought it and launched a sample file. The brush tool was quite slow. Any ideas? running 2012 rMBP with 650m gfx.
Dale Cook
@komocode No it should fly on modern hardware, the devs have built on a mix of hardware going back to 2008 kit and some customers are using 2006 Core 2 Duos. What version of OS X are you using?
Chris Scott
Added to my Hunts for Pro Photographers collection. Congrats on the launch!
Cristian Cojocaru

Can see a sample here:


Cool features for 360 photo editing.


no problem

Reggie Bloom

I love how easy Affinity is to use. With the online tutorials available on Youtube as well, it's a dream to have at home to edit all my photos with neat tricks and filters. Highly recommended, well worth the $50


easy to learn, most tools, one time fee


some advanced features missing

Ribier Design
I'm using now more than one year beautiful number one
Joe Wells
Great product. I am a long-time, die-hard, experienced, loyal Adobe user. But Affinity is la-git. I use Affinity Photo a lot now too. I like the export process better than Photoshop. I like how many keyboard shortcuts are the same. There are a few things I like about Photoshop better. And there are things Affinity Photo lacks like video and animation tools. But for most people most of the can totally safely get Affinity Photo and never look back... And, as many say, I think it actually IS a faster app overall. Impressive.
Juliana Brito
I am using Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer in a Windows 10 environment for more than a year and it really worth the money spent. It is fullfilling most of my needs and I definitely uninstalled Photoshop and illustrator. The transition from Adobe products was very smooth and it wasn't like passing from Adobe to Corel. In fact I was surprised to be able to work on my projects in a couple of hours after installing the software. I am using Affinity Photo with a XPPen Artist Pro 16 ( ) graphic tablet monitor the perfect combination for a freelancer with a tight budget. Notice that Affinity photo is regularly updated and the Serif team is quite reactiv. Farewell Adobe!