Kevin William David

Agantty - Free, beautiful and easy to use project management tool

With this free project management tool, you can organize and plan an unlimited amount of projects, tasks and teams on the basis of a Gantt-chart. You can administer an unlimited amount of teams and tasks with a single account, as well as look up your To-Dos on a neat dashboard.

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Itai Neter
This looks REALLY good and the website is beautiful. I'd really like to know about future plans (paid addons), any roadmap or something like that to share?
Josch Kliemann
@itai_neter Thanks! Glad you like it. We are working close with our community and feedback is very important to us. That's why we are always working on new features requested by our users. Paid addons are not planned right now, most new features upvoted by the community in our feedback forum will still be free for everyone. The only exception would be a special request by a company that needs a certain feature that is not wished by our users – we have the option to implement that exclusive for a customer.
Itai Neter
@joschimitsu Oh, I thought from the site that you're releasing "as is" and every future upgrade will cost money. Can you send me a link to the feedback forum? I don't see it. Also, I think your website might be down
Josch Kliemann
@itai_neter @itai_neter Here you go: Link should be working now. The Website is up, it was just a problem with redirection.
Josch Kliemann
@itai_neter @hanspagel There is now. Sorry, murphy's law today.
Josch Kliemann
Hey ProductHunt! Big thanks to @kwdinc for hunting us. We are very excited to show you guys what we have been working on for the last couple of years. There are a lot of project management tools out there but most of them are either very expensive or way too complicated, especially for small or medium-sized teams. This is where we come in: Agantty is and will be free for everyone to use – without limitations on number of projects or teams or anything. Agantty launched a while ago but we improved it a lot since then and will keep on doing so. So, check it out and let us know what you think about it.
Is your site down?
Josch Kliemann
@mickc79 sorry, I don't know what happened there. here you go
Josch Kliemann
@mickc79 @derkinzi should be working now
Sebastian Kinz|inger
@joschimitsu Now I get the chrome ssl warning "Dies ist keine sichere Verbindung" for this link: | same in safari...
Josch Kliemann
@derkinzi works now. Sorry for the inconvenience
Sebastian Kinz|inger
@joschimitsu looks good and no inconvenience at all - just wanted to let you know something is wrong... :)
Gabriel Lima
I like it, and gonna use tomorrow.
Yiğitcan Kutay Güler
Should of paid more attention in German class.. no English option on the website 😟 (I am on mobile by the way)
Josch Kliemann
If you scroll down a tiny bit on the main page you can see the option for english
Guy Konan

Agantty is just the kind of gantt chart you'd want to manage your projects, coz it does things just the way you want it.


free, easy, intuitive, simple




The view options could also be improved to have a global view of the entire map.


It's not user friendly at the beginning but after a few tries it is fairly simple to use.


Not being able to export to PDF. The onboarding of the platform is bad.