@dannyaziz97 There are many people are curious about the sound quality of Ahead. I would say it cannot be as good as Premium audio devices. However let me borrow the words how people feel about our product after they hear it. "It's pretty good, everything is clear, feels like spherical sounds" Maybe you can refer to the Reaction Video like:
Thank you for the post!
I'm Marco, founder of analogue plus.
we aim to create a fancy product by adding a little digital technology to many analog devices in real life. Ahead is the first step of that goal. We are currently working on kickstarter campaigns. Your little interest will be of great help in making a better product.
@marco_park it looks like a great product. Really interested in seeing how it works in October. The promo video on kickstarter is good, but there are some scenes that make it feel disjointed and aren't helpful for selling your product. Specifically the last segment about "Go Ahead or Stay Behind". After watching it I have no idea what it means or how it relates to the product. In addition the voices make me uncomfortable.
I like it thought it would be nice if it were low profile. I would make the bigger box on the back of the helmet and just have a super think part extend up to the ear zone. my 2 cents... good luck
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Valentine Tymline