Ouriel Ohayon

Aipoly - Augmented reality for visually impaired

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Ryan Hoover
Very impressive. Reminds me of Be My Eyes, which uses humans to help visually impaired see. Although less "scaleable" the latter may help elicit empathy and bring more awareness to those without eyesight disabilities.
Thelle Christensen
@rrhoover very true - but could be even more awesome in combination! :D AI as first line for easy tasks and Community as fallback for the harder ones.. As one of the makers of @bemyeyes I hope the new management listens in..!
Lindsay Lamb
It's interesting to think what this technology could do for other industries too. For example, if Shyp could identify what you're sending and give you a better estimate on the spot.
Keith Ellwood Baker
@lindsayclamb great idea! Also implement a way when pointing your device at the object you're shipping it can calculate width & height to get a better estimate as well.
Rohit Nistala
This is a fantastic idea, I have a few friends with sight difficulties that would love to try this app. I noticed the app itself is quite large - 134MB, can you explain why this is?
Simon Edwardsson
@rohit0130 Thank you! The app is large since it's hosting the entire neural network on the phone, this is what allows us to run all the image recognition offline. The net has been trained with > 10 million images, so 134MB is actually not that big :)
Michael John McClain
Are you going to build an API?
This is so awesome! A lot of people can benefit from this 👏🏻
Michael John McClain
If I point my lens at someone's face, will it find them on Facebook?
Joshua Dance
I don't know anyone with impaired eyesight. Would be interested in feedback from real users.
Christopher Hannah
This is pretty great! I really like how technology is changing peoples lives! I've also written a tiny piece over at App Recap about it :) http://apprecap.net/aipoly-augme...
Aaron Ng
This "live lens" on a mobile phone feels like a game changer. Would be interesting if it could tell you *who* (John, Jane, Sam, etc) or exactly *what* (Ranunculus, a spleen, etc) you're looking at, too. Computer vision is gonna make a huge impact on every industry (education, tracking, security, inventory, etc). Exciting times ahead.
Another awesome example of how AR benefits human's life! Great job!
Irving Torres
Just tried it out. Works remarkably well. Recognized my fork, plate, tiles, fridge, bird cage, finger, magazine, cabinet, etc. Keep up the great work!
Ouriel Ohayon
Looks quite compelling for people with sight difficulties
This is very cool. We have a lot of blind customers and we'll share with some to get their thoughts.
Sarthak Grover
This is incredible, such a fantastic idea applying tech to help others. Does it provide audio feedback as well?
Bravo! I downloaded and tested it out. It seems it is very v1. It can recognize basic things like cup, a cup of water, headphones, and laptop. However it had trouble recognizing watch, handbag, and scarf. It is very fast and I can see it improve the more it is used. I'd love it to have a wearable - smartwatch component too :)
Noah Norman
Very cool, although I'm kind of surprised at this implementation. A day before this was featured on PH, I wrote an opinion piece on Medium about AR claiming, in part, that the demands inherent in AR recognition tasks dictate that it would have to be done off-device. (That piece is here: https://medium.com/@doctorhandsh...) ... I wonder if you have opinions just yet on how far this implementation will scale and/or if you think parts of this task will move off-device at a certain point?
Saijo George
🤗 at first. Looks to download. 🍏 only 😭. Any plans for Android?
Ben Raz

it looks and acts very probising and impressive

i signed up to the trial

however, it is not perfect, and there can be mistakes as well as it is not recognize much languages and currecys


help disables to detect colors, USD, objects and more. also reads text in 7 languages


not allway accurate, needs development

Rudy Lee
I love this! This is going to help and make life convenient for blind people.