Nick Holzherr

Air - Smart HR platform for small & medium sized businesses


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Nick Holzherr
Hey everyone, Super excited to be live on ProductHunt. Air offers various HR features like a central employee directory, time off booking, smart notifications and native iOS and Android apps. Air is built around a “hub-and-spoke” model. We offer a simple core for free with all the basic things that small businesses need and then our App Store allows businesses to extend the platform with native Air and best-in-class third-party extensions. Essentially - Air is an HR platform that grows as your business grows. We have a Product Hunt coupon which is active for the next 7 days - use “producthunt” for 3 months of our paid plan entirely free (you can always downgrade to a free-forever plan afterwards if you don’t need/use any of our paid features). I hope you’ll love Air and find it useful! Thanks! Nick
Tony Russo
@nickholzherr great product, I love Air. The features are simple to use and the interface is beautiful. I highly recommend it.
Nick Holzherr
@ynotrusso Thanks Tony - awesome to hear! Appreciated :)
Rachel Maclean
@ynotrusso @nickholzherr Thanks Tony! Great to have your feedback.
Reece Lyons
@nickholzherr This looks like a really cool product, definitely am going to download and have a look!
Joacim Westlund
Seems to be pretty much just what we need. Thanks! We would find it even more useful if it integrated with Slack to remind about birthdays and policy updates. Advanced idea: See and manage all employees access rights to other company apps. In the on boarding process, just click to invite new employees to slack, Drive, Dropbox, Facebook, etc. One-click off-boarding to revoke all access rights to all company systems. That would be amazing.
Nick Holzherr
@joacimwe Hey Joacim - thanks for the positive feedback! We *do* integrate with Slack for notifications - you can find it in the Air app store and connect it to your channel. We *don't* yet have the onboarding/offboarding processes you've mentioned - but what you're suggesting certainly sounds useful and something that might find itself onto our roadmap.
Zahid Ali Younis
Hey Nick, Awesome news on the launch. Congrats on the new venture. It looks to have immense potential. For those not already aware, Nick's a pretty big deal here in Birmingham and well known nationally from his time on the BBC Apprentice a few years back (got to the final 2!!!). I have heard him give some great inspirational talks at various startup events. Super down to earth great guy. A quick sneak Good luck Nick
Ansar Mehmood
Hey Nick. Congratulations on the launch. I remember trying this out back when it was in Beta. It's looking super slick now. Amazed at how much you've been able to get done since then. I love the Employee onboarding and Time off features. Would have saved me a ton of time back when I was running my digital agency. Really liking the idea with the App integrations so customers can pick and choose features. Any plans for a dev API sometime soon so we could hook into external services? Thanks! Ansar
Nick Holzherr
@ansar Thanks Ansar! Glad you like the UX - we've tried hard to make it simple and powerful at the same time - hard at times! We have dev APIs on our roadmap - but have quite a few integrations and features (see some of those here ahead of that currently so it will be some time. There are a few big key apps that lots of people are asking us for that we're prioritising.
Juan Andres Lagrange
@nickholzherr @ansar Looks great Nick, congratulations!! We are super interested in getting our hand on that API as well. We will be coming out with a simple search feature for all our 3rd party educational content that I think could really help give more options to your users.
Nick Holzherr
@jalagrange @ansar Thanks Juan! Awesome - let's talk :)
Love the UX. For a commercial third party app integration, will you get a cut? How much ? How does the billing work? It's consolidated billing for user and app maker gets paid by you?
Nick Holzherr
@sridhar_kondoji Thank you for the nice feedback :) Commercially: - for services like HR consultancy / one-off purchases we take payment, take a cut, and pass on the remainer. If you're connecting a third-party app - the relationship is with them, they take payment, and we simply integrate. In some cases there will be a mutual discount by buying their service via Air and vice versa. - if an app maker creates an app for Air and we take payment, yes they'd get paid by us. - billing is monthly via stripe - mostly on a per-user basis but this can be flexible depending on apps/services. Some services we're in the progress of offering have a base-fee because of the high cost of delivering the service. Hope that's clear! If you'd like to talk further - feel free to email me on :)
Excellent idea and nice design. Especially smart decision to offer free plan to get companies onboard with their employees and offer the premium plans as options. Most do not like the 14 day trials. However, this old school true freemium model seems to work the best. I did have a question though... how does Air compare to Zenefits and Gusto who seem to cross beams with you in this space? How do you compete with their deep pockets (despite all the legal issues Zenefits has endured)? Do you adhere to all existing stringent legal requirements in this arena?
Nick Holzherr
@paisano Thanks Paisano, good questions on competition. We're currently focusing heavily on the UK market, where the competative landscape looks quite different. We'll still need to compete against UK versions of the same (we don't have them yet, but we will) obviously. We have a bunch of plans on how we'll compete here - but not for public discussion just yet ;). Appreciate the thoughtful question - thanks!
Emmanuel Lemor
Hi Air, Looks great but it appears that you are of the UK varietal [saw the pricing was in £ for starters ;) ] and while there is nothing wrong with that [too bad to hear about Brexit :/ ], I wonder if you are adapted to US laws [and more specifically each state's set of laws]?
Nick Holzherr
@exlemor Indeed, we are out of the UK market and most of our users are in the UK at the moment. We've tried to make the platform as flexible as possible (and the Hub & Spoke model lends itself well to that) - so hoping to make it useful for a US audience too!
Shahed Khan
Top Product
wow, really dig this!
Nick Holzherr
@_shahedk Thanks Shahed! :)
Abhilash Jain
Great product, kudos to the entire team.
Nick Holzherr
@findabhilash Thanks Abhilash - awesome to hear you like it!
Udit Chugh
The designs look very similar to Slack. Which is a very good thing as I love Slack :)
Scott Hanford
@nickholzherr looks pretty awesome! We're a company that uses Zendesk, which certainly has its pros/ would you compare Air to ZD as they both seem to try to tackle a similar problem?
Nick Holzherr
@hanfordscott Hey Scott, thanks for your positive feedback :). We don't see ourself as similar to Zendesk - Zendesk is customer support - we're an HR software platform :)
I am so completely fed up with the per month per user charging system for HR resources in particularly. I have spent literally hours going through trails and teasers and looking at fantastic software - just like this - promoting itself as for small business etc. I do apprieciate that in some businesses where staff are full time and highly paid, £2 per month per user is very good value for money. But my client has two restaurants, between 50 and 70 staff on payroll in any one month BUT of them, just 5 are full-time management staff. The majroty are wroking between 8 and 15 hrs a week earning minimum wage. But of course you cannot discriminate, they still ahve to have exactlyh thesame systems, tryaining, opportunitieis etc as all other staff but on this model, I'm going to endup paying over £200 per month for total worked hours that if put into 45 hour weeks worked full time would cost me about 20 per month. Your product is lvoely but thius is driving me nuts/ YOu dont serously expect us to pay 200 per month for our business and the use we will have for the system but I'm not calling up the md or everyone now app that does thius to negotiate. STOP IT PLE,ASE.
PS: Apologies for apaulling typos - tired, irritated and desperate to get off this hellish roundabout!
pps: and please dont tell me about the free version - generous as this is, all the stuff a trading, busy, staff heavy small business needs is in the paid version. Obvoiusly.