Chris Messina

Audio Hijack 4 - Record any audio on MacOS

Top Hunter

Audio Hijack is a powerful utility for recording and processing any audio on MacOS. Audio from apps like Safari or Skype, hardware like mics and mixers, and even the entire system audio output, can all be saved. If you can hear it, Audio Hijack can record it.

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Paul Kafasis
Thanks @chrismessina! Audio Hijack 4 is the best version yet of our flagship audio recorder. It's more feature-packed than ever, but still just as easy to pick up and use as it's always been. This upgrade was an amazing team effort by every single person at Rogue Amoeba, and it represents the culmination of many years’ worth of development. We built on version 3’s solid foundation to put out a substantially enhanced new version where existing users will feel right at home. Whether you want to create a podcast, archive voice chats from Skype, Zoom, or other VoIP services, or record a web stream from your browser, Audio Hijack is ready to assist. I won’t even try to summarize everything you'll find in version 4 (the release notes for v4 ( cover that). Just visit the site to learn more, then download the app and try it out. You’ll be glad you did.
Aelita Сhervonnaya
this looks absolutely amazing!
Brandon Hull
Great product. Long-time user of Audio Hijack. I've used it for podcast recording as well as getting better audio recordings from Zoom and Google Meet calls. This version is just that much more powerful and easy to use.
Florian Albrecht
Congrats on the launch, @pbones and team! I'll sure upgrade my license. Even though I rarely really need the app, I worship great Mac apps and love having it in my toolbox.
Sasha Briu
great product!congrats
The UI looks fantastic. Congrats on the launch.
Would I be able to use this app to stream youtube video audio to my twitch stream?
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@j5uh yes!
Paul Kafasis
@j5uh Indeed - check out the Live Stream block!
Ramon Williamson
Love Audio Hijack, great set of tools
Congratulations! @pbones
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
It's been two years since I hunted Audio Hijack 3.7 and 4.0 looks to be a major evolution of the product including: • Three Brand-New Blocks • Helpful New Block Features • Improved Blocks • User Interface Improvements • Manual Connections • Background Sessions & Auto Run Sessions • A Powerful Session List & Global Window • Scripting And Automation Support
Dmitry Shpak
I've been looking for something like this to record some calls with a permission of course. Let's try it :)
Maria Alexandrova
Very good solution, congratulations
Vlad Korobov
Great. I wish there would be a block to decrease an echo
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@vlad_korobov there is? The Help Center suggests using the Latency slider in Audio Processing. > The default setting (More Reliable) is recommended for most users. Advanced users can lower latency to reduce or remove any slight echoing that may heard while monitoring audio as it's recorded. However, this may lead to audible skips in audio with complex effects setups and on slower Macs.
Congrats on the update, @pbones Would recording work with headset, please? This is a major drawback with using Otter, for example. Thank you!
Paul Kafasis
@followflavius Not quite sure what you're asking? You can certainly record with a headset. For more, reach out to our support team:
Dima Shponny
Nice guy. You can sell anything:)
Алексей Мысливец
Perfect, its looks realy useful! Congrats on launch