I bought the mac app recently, which I love, but as as user I don't see why I should pay for the iOS app. As a Dev, I understand the additional effort they put in which does demand a price. But unlike the Mac, iOS is a competitive market with apps like Inbox & Outlook. Would making the iOS app free, using it as carrot for the Mac App, not be a better idea?
@ravivyas84 I was surprised as well at first, but my second thought was, well, Mailbox was free and look what happened. At least by charging they make the case that they're here to stay and are self-sufficient. After Sparrow and Mailbox I want a client that is going to last longer.
@xoalexo Agree there, but they are competing with Microsoft & Google who are providing free clients. Also they need to reach a critical mass to survive while being a paid app.
@manigandham Not for a majority of folks from India & China. Just to clarify I did buy the iOS App too. But most of my developers friends here don't pay for apps.
@ravivyas84 I'd love to hear from the makers on this. My guess is they've taken a look at the whole field of email apps (I know Boxer is also 4.99) and decided premium is the market they want to reach.
What do I think?
Let me start with a long story long... I'm the overall iOS email geek (Mac OS too as well). I've got all the email apps installed since day 1.
(Spark, Outlook, Gmail, Cloze, Molto, Inbox, CloudMagic, Boxer Pro, MailPilot, Tipbit, Dispatch, Mera, SquareOne, Cannonball, mainbox, ArkMail, InboxCube, Mailmag, Inky, Hop, Geronimo, Slidemail, myMail... the list goes on).
I know, what all of them are lacking and what they're good at.
Before Airmail for iOS showed up i was mainly focusing on using Spark.
Why? I used to like Boxer mainly because of the gestures control, then I stopped since they abandoned development of the app on iOS.
I used to like Mailbox R.I.P. I used to like Acompli, till Microsoft deleted "3rd swipe option" with outlook. BTW - WHY???
Spark somehow was exactly something what I needed. After a while I end up using Spark for managing my 5 private accounts. I don't why. Just was more right to private use.
But hey, there are like 4 work accounts I still had to manage. I was on constant search for an email app that will let me do whatever I decide to do.
Call my crazy, but on my Mac i'm searching for a "lighter' email experience (which is somehow done nicely by CloudMagic for Mac and let's see how Polymail will evelolve).
But when it comes to iOS I'm in need of "customize everything".
Having that said, I think I finally found that on iOS - this is the Airmail app.
What do I like about it:
- unlimited swipes gestures (BTW, It's interesting how did you manage to solve "short" vs "long" swipes in form of a movable list items. I think no one ever done it this way before)
- email listings with account colors (despite it's not new and we seen it before, I just like how it's done in Airmail, design wise. It's more clear to me.
- email icons + number of lines (awesome I can set from 0 to 4)
- multi language support from day 1 (bravo).
- works very fast and doesn't crash (at least so far)
- proper HTML formatting for most of the emails. And hear me out, this is huge. I've got some email newsletters that were handled good only by mail.app and not any other iOS email client. I'm happy
- 3d touch from day 1 - also great
What could be improved:
- I'd like to customize icons in email detailed view (let's say I'd like to add a "move to folder" icon to the bottom menu instead of having it in top right dropdown - which is still good it's there)
- i"m not a big fan of "unified Trash folder", like at all
- No idea what is the "sun" and "chat" icon in the search box. I mean I finally got it, but the first look was rather "Huh?" Is the full/empty circle for unread email is not good anymore? ;)
Overall, I'm satisfied with the experience and Airmail just got into my iPhone's home screen.
I think developers done really nice job here. Good luck in the future.
@qewler this is the kind of feedback we love - not just the stuff about how great the app is 😉 we're always improving so lists like this help tremendously.
@qewler@zaccoffman RIP Mailbox. I am now using Outlook for iOS and Airmail for Mac. I can't understand why Airmail doesn't have a "snooze" feature on the Mac app. Until then, I'm gonna stick with Outlook for iOS until the experience on Airmail iOS and Mac are the same.
I've been hunting for a Mailbox replacement the last few weeks, and Airmail on the Mac has been the best so far. Really glad to see the release of their iPhone app.
@xoalexo Does the iOS and Mac app provide swipe gestures to create a to do list or reminder like mailbox? I need a simple solution for this
I have the mac app, but can't really imagine investing another 5$ on the iOS app if they're still underdeveloped and don't really support the features I needed
Hey guys! I'm part of the support team for Airmail. If you have any questions, etc feel free to send them my way. Have a feeling I'll be handling a lot of requests today, so will try to get to every question as quickly as possible.
Thanks @xoalexo for hunting us. And for @leonardo_4473 and @BloopKoda for creating such an awesome application that I'm sure you'll all enjoy :)
@zaccoffman Does Airmail offer smart notifications like Spark does? I'm a BIG Airmail user on my Mac but when it comes to iOS I like how Spark gives me only the notifications I need.
I wear a Pebble watch so that's another reason I like less notifications. My wrist doesn't buzz all the time for everything arriving.
Thanks in advance for reading my question!
@zaccoffman Thanks!
Essentially Spark analyses my email on my phone (not server side) and decides if the incoming message should trigger a new mail notification. This stops all the things I want to get (Storium, newsletters, etc) from cluttering my lock screen / Pebble. However if an email comes from my Mom, it can tell it's from a person or important & then notify me.
@andym_dc How is Polymail on mac? I've heard it's pretty much the spiritual successor to Mailbox, while Airmail feels more like Sparrow. What do you think?
@xoalexo I didn't have the pleasure of trying Mailbox or Sparrow. It wasn't until I left a government job and went back to school that I really needed an email app. That being said, Polymail really has what I want/need. Send later is huge for me, as I like to work late, but don't want to have my emails arriving to folks at 3:30am or something. Also, email tracking for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that with all the letters in my last name, I've found that sometimes emails from me go into spam folders! So, it helps me know if/when I should follow up. Anyway, I digress. I also think outlook for Mac is solid. Powerful and well organized. But compared with everything else, Polymail stands tall among its competitors.
It would be awesome for a free version with limited functionality, such as limiting to one mail account, similar to Boxer's monetization strategy (@andreweye is the maker). I've been disappointed with too many mail apps these days to want to invest more money trying a new one.
@melissamonteee Even a video showing various functionalities in action would convince me to shell out cash for another mail app. I look at the long list of features which 1) is overwhelming and 2) doesn't explain *why* I should want Airmail over others. The only reason why I know about the superior swipe gestures is this thread.
@tess_y@melissamonteee Airmail help you to find a way to manage the email like You want. The flexible customisation of actions, that can be a simple Move to Trash, Apply a label, archive or Create a calendar event, or save the attachments to Dropbox for instance. There are many actions that can be done and others will come.
Would all email app developers please meet up for a cup of tea, put their heads together and resolve this whole email lark once and for all. It can be done. The love would be shear bliss!
@steveraffner Hey Steve, appears to be rolling out still to most store fronts - while it tends to be ready for release, it does seem that Search is really falling behind.
@xoalexo@steveraffner One thing we've seen results for so far is "Airmail Bloop", but even in testing here, that seems to only populate a result under Watch apps. Hoping to see this clear up ASAP.
Been hanging out for a while for this. I've been using Outlook more recently however it has lacked some of the customization I used to enjoy with Mailbox. Easiest $5 I ever spent considering I've used the OS X client for years.
Also major win for the 1Password integration.
@rananava the biggest thing for me right now are the short and long swipe gestures that I got familiar with in Mailbox. Right now I have Archive, Snooze, Star and Trash. For how I like to tackle email, I appreciate being able to customize those gestures to what I want.
The ability to customize the snooze times is also quite helpful for me. Also appreciate being able to customize the actions that are available to me. Being able to color my accounts helps me scan my unified inbox better.
As an afterthought I was thinking about how some folks might be overwhelmed by the customization here, however email is something that each person out there deals with email in their own unique way. This app gives users the ability to craft their own workflow.
@davidlee Slightly different, With Boxer the approach is similar Airmail offer much more customisation and actions to suit your workflow. Outlook is a very integrated solution with calendar and all the MS services, Airmail is the opposite try to do the email best it can and use Apps that you like fantastical, or OS Calendar, Omnifocus to integrate your workflow with. Google Inbox is a very aggregative app try to consolidate a lot of information together, airmail not, try to keep it plain and live the tools to slice and process your mail like You want.
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