Alexey Beliy

Free AI assistant in Telegram by Albato - Unlock the power of Open AI API + Albato Integrations


AI integrations with Telegram and other SaaS tools can make your life easier and more efficient. Automate tedious tasks, get personalized recommendations, and access powerful insights - all while staying connected with your team.

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Alexey Beliy
Hey fellows!! 🙌🏼 I'm excited to announce that we have added Open AI API integrations to Albato!  🧠 Here you can find our Telegram Bot with Open AI integration! This bot is available to everyone for free, but due to high demand and load, it may be slower than usual. Just find it in telegram without any registrations and test: @AlbatoAI_bot ( No worries! If you would like to create your own telegram bot, we have prepared a comprehensive guide on how to get started, which you can find here: We hope you will enjoy the new bot and find it useful! Open AI is a powerful platform that allows developers to easily integrate smart algorithms into their applications. Open AI jokes: Q: What did the Open AI integration say to the Telegram user? A: Let's get to work! With Open AI, developers can leverage the latest state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms and models to accelerate their applications. Open AI provides a vast selection of pre-trained models and algorithms, as well as the ability to create custom models for specific use cases. By integrating Open AI into Albato, we are giving developers the opportunity to create powerful applications faster and easier than ever before. If you’re looking to make the most of your Open AI integration, look no further than Albato. Our platform helps you make the most of AI-driven automation, giving you the tools to automate everyday tasks and save time, money and resources. Whether it’s marketing, productivity, customer service or more, Albato helps you integrate the best AI-driven services available. With Albato, you can even create custom AI-driven services to suit your specific needs. Albato’s Open AI integrations allow you to easily access AI-driven services like sentiment analysis, natural language processing and more. You can use these services to automate customer segmentation, email campaigns, customer support and more. Also, don't forget to check out our professional Video tutorial with more AI use cases: and join our Facebook community: We look forward to your feedback and success stories with the Albato OpenAI integration. Enjoy! P.S.: To put our money where our mouth is, the whole text above was generated through the Albato OpenAI integration. :)
Vladimir Gusev
AI integrations in a couple of clicks - welcome to the future! Awesome automation tools!
Alexey Beliy
@vladimir_gusev Thanks!! I would love to hear about your cases if you will try! If you are willing to share, please post your experiences here.
Leonid Golofeev
It seems poets and rappers will soon start protesting )) Me: Come up with a short poem about the chat of the Board of Directors of the Technopark Skolkovo AlbatoAI_bot: The Techpark directors meet, In online chat so sweet, To discuss and plan the future, Making Skolkovo great indeed. The bot is powered by
Leonid Goldfarb
@leonid_golofeev Q: Come up with a short poem about Albato AI integrations A: Albato AI, oh so grand, Integrations smooth, at every hand. Intelligence abound, in every device, From phones to cars, it's hard to suffice. Albato's AI, the future's here, Making life easier, year after year. In homes and offices, it's hard to miss, Albato's AI, a technological bliss.
Mikhail Fedorinin
Yeah! Fantastic bot!)
Андрей Савищенко
awesome! Great work! 🚀
Alex Pisarevsky
Great work guys!
Alexey Beliy
@alex_pisarevsky Alex thanks for your support!!
Stanislav Samoylov
Congrats guys, awesome launch!
Alexey Beliy
@stanislav_samoylov1 Thank you so much!
Иван Барташов
The best project I've seen
Alexey Firsov
Great job!
Vadim Skopintsev
I've used it. It's really cool!
Roman Kumar Vyas
Such a cool product!
Sachin shajan
Ohh my god, this is one of the best and innovative works I saw recently, kudos to the whole team on launch
Mikhail Pashintsev
Good luck guys!
Андрей Савищенко
ME: Write a mini article on how to make a launch on ProductHunt AlbatoAI_bot: Launching a product on ProductHunt can be a great way to increase its visibility and get feedback from an engaged community of tech enthusiasts. Here are some tips to make a successful launch on ProductHunt: 1. Create an Engaging Description - Before launching a product on ProductHunt, craft a compelling description that will grab the attention of the community. Make sure to include key features and a link to a product page or demo. 2. Reach Out to Influencers - To get the most out of your launch, reach out to influencers in the tech industry who may be interested in your product. Invite them to join the launch and provide feedback. 3. Promote Your Launch - Promote your launch on social media, email newsletters, and other channels. This will help ensure that you get the most out of your launch. 4. Follow Up With Feedback - After the launch, follow up with the community by responding to comments and providing feedback. This will help build relationships and further promote your product. By following these simple tips, you can make a successful launch on ProductHunt, and increase the visibility of your product. The bot is powered by
Vitaliy Korolev
Congratulations 🎉 very nice product 🤙🏻
Ivan Krasnikov
Great tool! Perfect opportunity to automatise some routines
Alejandro Bernal
The bot is quite smart, I have been summarizing long articles into digestible insights, and so far so good.:)
Oleg Black
GPT + Telegram = Finally ❤️
Michael Shekhter
The future is here, no doubt about it. Amazing tool! If you, like me, have always been interested in understanding and using IA, but have always lacked the time to get deep into it... well, here's what we've been missing. Telegram integration is really cool. Congrats on the launch!