Jack Smith

ALCHEMA - IoT device to brew your own wine + cider at home from fruit


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Jack Smith
These guys are great. I was one of the first people that they met as soon as they arrived 'off the boat' to SF from Taiwan a year ago, as they'd seen me on Product Hunt. I'm really pleased that they've now been able to launch their campaign. This smart device is all you need to be able to homebrew your own wine and cider. The device connects to your smart phone and has a built in scale and sensors to monitor the alcohol level, temperature etc. to let you know when your brew is done. It also has UV (or similar technology) rays, which disinfect your device after each use. I didn't know, but there's actually a lot of variables that can go wrong if you tried to brew wine or cider by hand; as the fermentation process is quite delicate. I've tried some of the sweet wine; cider and more that this device has produced and it tastes great! This is also very affordable at ~$350 discounted KS price. Brewbot for example (for brewing beer), which has raised $1.5 million has a DISCOUNTED price of $4000.
@_jacksmith Thanks for sharing!
Manuel Saez
Great Stuff! I know a few people (besides my self) that would love this! great job!
@supermanuelsaez Everyone can make their own ALCOHOL at home! Yay.
Eric Dy
Summer time. Wish I had this now!
@eric_dy Be the coolest party host!
We know that homebrewing is not easy. Your brew can be easily  contaminated, it's difficult to brew correctly and it can be a mess.     With Alchema, we make the process simple and fun. Each device contains a automatic  sanitizer and sensors that monitor your homebrew. Our algorithms make sure that each  brew is perfect.     To make a brew, all you have to do is add fruit, sugar, water, and yeast. Each brew  takes about one to two weeks to complete. The Alchema app even notifies you when  your brew is complete.  Hope you guys love it.
Ela Bednarek
This looks like the perfect next step after making cold-pressed apple juice at home for a while :) How much can I make in one go? Does the whole process take long?
@elamustrun You can get one Alchema on kickstarter, our semi early bird is $359 . This is how Alchema works. First, choose a cider recipe from our collection and start the sensitization process. The UV light will kill  the bacteria so you don’t need chemicals to wash it. Second, put in the ingredients into  the pitcher. For each ingredient, the app will show how much you’ve added with the  built-in scale at the bottom of the device. When you have enough ingredients, press next  and add the next ingredients until you finish adding everything needed for this recipe.  And that’s it! Alchema is connected by Wi-Fi and will let you know when it’s ready for you  to enjoy! It’s basically set­and­forget.
Ela Bednarek
@chingyenchang Sounds good, but how much cider can I make? 1 litre or more?
@elamustrun The volume is 0.6 gallons (2.4 L), which is equivalent to about 3 bottles of wine. And it is the volume of the container you put ingredients in. If you use the fresh juice to make hard cider, you can get fully 0.6 gallons (2.4 L) result. If you use the fresh fruit, you can get about 0.52 gallons (2 L) result.
Mark Peng
I tried ciders made with Alchema at HAX open house. Really good stuff. You can see they are really dedicated with making a great product for the users. Looking to follow their progress and enjoy more the great cider from Alchema
angela nibbs
fruit to booze - finally a smart kitchen device i can get behind!
Paul Horne
Can this be used to make beet kvass?
Jacob Bailey
@paulhorne I'm not quite sure, because brewing of that beverage has not the identical brewing process and steps that you need to make. If we talk about some serious brewing, I would like to copy brewing process from produced cider beverage of cider gift set I could find on the web few months ago. I've tried it on my own, and what I can say for sure - it's one of the most tasteful beverages I've been drinking.