Company monitoring, customized, curated & delivered anywhere
Jim Brock

Venture Capital MarketSpace — Gathers and filters online activity for top VC firms

Ben Tossell
This is pretty cool :) I'm sure lots of people interested in the space would agree. What else is in the pipeline here? Any plans to go into topic based news as an option? Also when creating my own Market Space I'd love to be able to choose specific people as well as VC firms All in all, this is awesome Oooohhhh AND it would be cool if people could share their marketspace so people can see what others are reading. Like Nuzzel - kinda 😀
Jim Brock
@bentossell Thanks, Ben! Great suggestions, about following individual people and firms. If you create a free account, you can choose exactly which of the firms you want included, and you can add firms that aren't already there. We should also enable that sharing feature -- not to hard to do!
Jim Brock
@bentossell Thanks, Ben! Great suggestions, about following individual people and firms. If you create a free account, you can choose exactly which of the firms you want included, and you can add firms that aren't already there. We should also enable that sharing feature -- not to hard to do!
Ben Tossell
@jim_brock oh yeah sorry my grammar was off, I meant people, as well as the already present, firms :)
Josh Cottrell
@bentossell We have several more of these about different topics (VR, Drones, 3D Printing, etc.) we want to release in the upcoming week. We've found that as soon as we have a few of the top companies in a given subject area, we end up getting the majority of industry news. I'd love you feedback on the next ones that we post.
Jim Brock
I'm part of the team building this product, looking for input from all you VC-obsessed types (including VC's yerselves!)
Casie Millhouse-Singh
Do you have geographical information or filters for activity on certain places in the world?
Josh Cottrell
@casielane You can try out the geo chart in the news section here: https://vc.market.space/companie...
is this working? 403
Luke Byrne
@realjimbrock @jim_brock is this still active? I'd love to see it
Anup Dhirwan
The header looks too cluttered though a good try.