Third Garden

AMA Medical Assistant AI - AI, healthcare, fitness, diet, nutritional tips


An AI-Powered medical assistant programmed to advise you on measures to improve your well-being.

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Third Garden
AMA was created to answer health-related questions in a more precise, faster, and personalized way than a simple web search. AMA's areas of expertise are limited to your medical concerns, physical condition, diet, nutritional advice, as well as your health-related questions. AMA follows strict medical protocols and provides evidence-based answers. To test AMA without an iPhone, visit
Daniel Doherty
Curious to see how this would work in the UK where wait times are getting longer and longer, is it just going to tell people to reach out to their GP at some point?
Third Garden
@daniel415 The information provided by this AI is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition or disease. AMA will always encouraged you to consult a qualified healthcare professional. If you want to try you can test the app at