@natekettles@danfallak I actually don't see a stainless steel ice ball on that link - I do see a sphere ice mould though - which would be made by freezing water, which would then melt and dilute your spirits - and that's what Amazeballs avoids!
These are awesome. Great idea! Website is really cool, and the information is really well put together. Packaging is spot on also, including tongs is a winner. I had a little bit of trouble reading the font on the website, as it's pretty small. Have you A/B tested a larger font on your site? might just be preferential! Definitely picking up a pair to put in my single malts! Thanks @danfallak!
@aaronleeski Thanks a lot! So far been focused on B2B sales (wholesale) and now looking to move some traffic towards a B2C so this input is super helpful. Will have to do proper A/B test for sure. Thanks for the kind words about the product!
@tariktech Thanks! Yeah, just knew that "amazeballs" the word had really ingrained itself in pop culture and figured if I could pair the name with a product that fit, I'd have a pretty solid brand on my hands!
If anyone is interested in the backstory behind Amazeballs they can read my article: "How I monetized the word Amazeballs" on Medium: https://medium.com/@danfallak/ho...
This is amazeballs. 2 suggestions: 1) have the purchase in a bar anchored to the top or bottom of the screen so we can purchase anywhere on the sales (currently it's only somewhere in the middle of the page, which I had to hunt for in order to buy them), and 2) have a Keep Shopping option on the Cart page. Peace
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