Kristy Tillman

Amazon Key - An in-home security camera and smart lock

Amazon Key allows Prime members to receive packages inside their homes with smart key access and a cloud security camera.

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Brock Azure
Amazon is trying to sell to the "I can't afford furniture but I can afford an automatic lock system and house cleaners" demographic.
David Kampmann
@brockgazure everyone needs a door lock. Less are concerned with furniture. 😅
Ryan Hoover
Brilliant (and obvious move) by Amazon. This furthers their integration into the home, enabling them to become the connector (and provider) for a variety of services beyond package delivery such as in-home cleaning, dog walking, etc.
Ryan Hoover
@kristyt ahh, good question. I'm sure @sbp04 can't share but cc'ing her here as she would have unique insights on this space.
David Kampmann
@rrhoover @kristyt Didn't Ikea just buy that?
Kristy Tillman
@rrhoover @mrkampmann They did. I think Ikea is a good fit but imagine an army of taskers deployed with access via Amazon Key. Amazon has some home services I've tried to use but was not impressed with the implementation.
Just a thought... What about the scenario when owners have a dog? 🐶
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@jamiesunderland they mention the dog walker scenario...
Merott M
@chrismessina I think his point was that dogs don't like strangers, especially those of the "intruder" type.
Must have been some consideration to this in the UX. E.g. "Do you own a pet/dog?"
Daylen Sawchuk
@jamiesunderland The FAQ page states Can I receive in-home delivery if I have a pet? We do not recommend using in-home delivery if your pet can access the front door on delivery day.
Kristy Tillman
@jamiesunderland It is in the FAQ "Can I receive in-home delivery if I have a pet? We do not recommend using in-home delivery if your pet can access the front door on delivery day."
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
The industrial design on this feels incongruent with the Echo line. Different departments?
Steven Rueter
@chrismessina 💯 I think it has to look like a durable lock, so they just went ahead and threw design out the window
James Gill
@chrismessina Seems the lock is actually designed by Yale from what I can tell. The camera though, which does appear to be designed by Amazon, looks a touch more Echo like.
Kristy Tillman
@chrismessina @jamesjgill I was thrown off about how different they look together as a set. The cam and lock options don't feel like a system.
Chris Messina
Top Hunter
@jamesjgill @kristyt @rueter yeah, I specifically meant the camera, since the locks are made by 3rd parties. Like, it doesn't feel that consistent w/ the Echo Look.
Dossy Shiobara
@chrismessina I actually think it's a smart design: the Echo Look is a "friendly" device you interact with, and should feel approachable and friendly. The Cloud Cam is surveillance, it's meant to create a sense of "you are being watched" and so the design should reflect that. It sets the expectation correctly. Well, IMHO, at least.
Steven Rueter
I knew this day would come. This looks like the lock you find on a public restroom. Now that Amazon is starting their own fleet of delivery drivers, they’re going to have to have access to restrooms somewhere, so why not yours when you’re not home? Why not anyone? That’s it! This is my @ProductHunt hackathon idea: Airpoonpee—💩 anywhere with Amazon Key.
Ryan DiMascio
@rueter Airpnp (Official) by Leak Easy
Steven Rueter
@ryandimascio lol yeah seen it, but does it integrate with Amazon Key...?😜. Quick name change to Poober
Daniel Beguería
This is so crazy, and yet so genius, that it will eventually work. Basically, gimme a key to your home, I will buy your groceries, walk your dog, put your new books into the shelves and clean your house. AND YOU WILL PAY FOR EVERY SINGLE THING. Even for giving me a key. I just wish Amazon decides to leave us something to work on.
Niv Dror
"Nah...I’m good." – Philip DeFranco‏
Aryav Bharali

I think it's a good idea and if an Amazon employee were to steal it would be on video anyways.


You can watch everything from your phone and allow people to unlock your door.


Amazon has access to open your door and if someone were to hack the system it would open a lot of doors and someone could steal from you.

Marco Fabrega
Really interesting move by Amazon. I think the teaser video did a great job of showcasing a scenario of how this can be beneficial in numerous situations. What I am curious about is if there will ever be a solution for people who rent homes/apartments that aren't allowed to change their door locks.
David Kampmann
@marcoafabrega Agreed. That video was well done. This is going to be one people will be skeptical about, so providing examples of how regular people will use it will be key.
Rahul Sethuram
@marcoafabrega The solution would be for the building owners to install the locks, and give access to the tenant to control lock access.
Antony Bearpark
I don't trust delivery drivers to put my delivery outside my home (a Yodel driver left a package in a recycling bin that was being emptied a few hours later) let alone open the front door and inside my home
All I can think of right now is RIP Nest Cam. If AmazonKey has 24hr recording in the cloud included with Prime and a lower price point that is. Especially now that that ~$25 camera came out (on PH yesterday?).
Mohammed Rafy
Facebook and Google will have your data stored online. Amazon be like Hold my beer. We'll have your offline data.
Cris Firmo

Amazon is a good company and even with cool features of amzon services, there is no way to allow strangers entering your own house

Even with trustful partners and employees, if anyone has access to databases, bad ppl can get access to your house....




There is no security at all

Rachael McKinnon
I would not trust Amazon product
Albert Mkhitarian
Yeah... Amazon is getting crazy. They are going to earn money for everything. That's cool. Nothing you can say about that. Cool, very cool. They got a huge audience and huge opportunities to sell anything to that audience, That's what they are doing and it's something right to do.
Justin Jackson
Not available in 🇨🇦. 😑
Alex Sharp
This is both really cool technology and terrifyingly dystopian.
Paul Horne
It’s a great idea but it’s a minimum $350 package– I wish they would have leveraged their buying power to create a $100 solution. People willing to spend this much are probably people that already have smart locks andcameras installed in their home.
Eric Lam
Is this going to have ADT/Simplisafe type of integrations to temporarily disable the alarm? Because otherwise it won't work with any single-family home with an alarm system (which is most of them).