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Ryan Hoover
Amazon Dash Button — Place it. Press it. Get it.

Amazon Dash Button is a wireless device connected to your Amazon Prime account with the help of which you can place orders for your convenience. It is a specified button for you usual orders. Just press it and you have it ordered, especially if you don't want to think 24/7 for that and you just remember at the moment you need it.

Woosung Ahn 안우성
note that there are 272 eligible products already. some serious BD work to make this happen.
Ryan Gilbert
This is amazing.
Josh Puetz
I can't wait to a) have one of these for ordering toilet paper, and b) have a second one to see if I can hack it.
Eric Metelka
Amazon Dash button for condoms. Sorry. So so sorry.
Anuj Adhiya
@eric3000 I can just see the recommendations in the "Customers who bought this product also bought...." section now - hah!
Trevin Chow
Love that Amazon continues to throw stuff at the wall and experiment with new ideas. Admittedly most of their new physical products have been big failures (Fire Phone anyone?), it's this type of company culture that will eventually enable the creation of a big hit with consumers.
Nikhil Basu Trivedi
gotta believe this is an April Fool's Joke lolol
Adam Sigel
So this is the pizza button for all FMCG? I wonder how many buttons the average home needs. What's the lifespan of the button, and is the battery replaceable? How much configuration is needed by the user to connect to wifi, set the number of items per button press (e.g. a 6-pack of toilet paper or a 24-pack). TONS of questions but interesting approach for sure.
Taylor Edmiston
@adamsigel Based on some speculation in Hacker News comments: most likely talks to your phone via BLE for config with a 1-2 year battery span.
Michael 😍 Galpert
this is genius. I'm more excited for their API tho. is part of the early beta and will be rad to see. I wonder if I end up having 7 buttons installed in my cupboard.
Jack Smith
very cool. This reminds me of an internet of things like connected button.
Ryan Hoover
@_jacksmith like, bttn. 😉
Eric Friedman
This is really fascinating to see. Its a great sneak attack to get into the connected home space by being product specific. They started this trend with the Amazon Echo ( and this is just productized to one item. To the points above, what happens when you have 10 of these and want them condensed into 1?
Adam Sigel
@ericfriedman I think that's a phone, right? The beauty of the button is the context of its physical placement. If I can see to the back of the cabinet, I need more toilet paper. If I can see the bottom of the drawer, I'm out of plastic spoons. Wondering if this is a boon or a nightmare for office admins...
Maia Bittner
I really love this. I think the more we can eliminate screens from interfering from our access to Internet-enabled capabilities, the happier, more social, and more present we will be.
Zoe Landon
I can only imagine someone with a newborn having one of these, kid grows up a little, then they find the button, and childlike curiosity ensues, and now the parents have enough diapers to stock a Costco. I presume there would be sanity checks?
Jason Crawford
@hupfen “Dash Button responds only to your first press until your order is delivered”
Tom Limongello
@hupfen reminds me of one of my favorite click hysteria commercials.
Zoe Landon
@jasoncrawford And there's the indication that someone thought seriously about the idea. Good to hear.
Andy Rosenberg
This is seriously cool. Still needs more Gary Busey.
Joe Wagner
I'd love to hear @andrewfiggins thoughts on Dash. He's been working on a similar product for any merchant to allow customers to re-order with one click from their phone.
Joe Wagner
I'm loving this idea for the household essentials. For anyone with kids, I'm wondering what happens when a semi-truck pulls up full of TP, Paper Towels, etc. because your child hit the button 1,000 times last night. Update: (Reading helps: Dash Button responds only to your first press until your order is delivered.)
Jack Dweck
This is so brilliant that people seem to think it's an early April Fools joke: Nice timing, Amazon!
Brandon Lipman
@jackdweck That is exactly what I thought beffore I read Ryan's comment above.
Joshua Dance
@jackdweck Still am not sure it isn't April Fools. :)
Devin Hunt
What a time to be alive.
Ross Rojek
Wasn't there an article recently about how Amazon would announce a new product (in this case AWS) when they haven't really built it out to see what the reception was?
Ross Rojek
I remember people trying to do the kitchen scanners so you can scan things as you run out (or as you buy them) and it would reorder more. My issue with this is I'm not a big fan of having a bunch of different buttons all over the place.
Ryan Hoover
Credit to @caseynewton for this hunt via his Verge article.
Amazon continues to reduce the friction from "I need something" to "I bought something." For many, it's become the go-to shopping destination because it has just about everything at reasonable prices and Prime eliminates purchase hesitations that come from evaluating shipping costs and delays. This a bold move and I'm skeptical many will adopt this, but I like that they're experimenting.
Drew Moxon
@caseynewton @rrhoover This becomes really powerful when paired with Prime Now - press a button, delivery in under 1 hour. It's like a flight attendant call button for your home.
@caseynewton Amazing. I proposed something almost identical back in Samsung. Basically a small connected button on everyday products with frequent recurring sales. but it didn't get through. Amazon is one of the only firms that can pull off this type of heavily commerce-tied product. @rrhoover 's point about reducing the friction from "I need something" to "I bought something" is a very real problem that can be overlooked, but can be vastly improved. Sure, the marginal 'discomfort' can be tiny, but since so many people frequently face this problem, it can be huge.