Kevin William David

Ampy - Power your devices from your motion (pre-launch)


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Ross Currie
On another note, I am SO glad that they didn't start their video talking about the problem of your phone battery going dead. There are a HEAP of phone battery/charge devices popping up on Kickstarter and every single one of them spends about a minute describing the problem of running out of a battery. It bores me and I stop watching. Yes we all use our phones. Yes the batteries die. I get it. Move on. What I loved about Ampy's video is that these guys move straight into what their product does, then get into a great video that explains the product, their story and where they're at in development/manufacturing (while poking some fun at the Kickstarter video format, which I also loved).
Tejas Shastry
Co-founder of AMPY here -- thanks for all the love everyone! I'd be happy to answer any questions if you have any.
Kevin William David
AMPY is a wearable device that captures kinetic energy when you move and stores it, turning it into power to charge your phone or any USB-powered device. AMPY charges iPhones, Android phones, and any other USB-powered device.
Karim Roushdy
I was just thinking of this idea a week ago, because a lot of watches work with no batteries and a friend of mine had one and I was checking it out. I told him I wish smartphones worked the same way. This is a brilliant idea and thank guys for bringing it to life and making it more than a thought!
Ross Currie
It's a day for awesome Kickstarter projects on the Hunt :D We had this one pop up on CrowdLoot a couple of weeks ago on the day that it listed, but awesome news that it got funded! And by a helluva margin too!
Drew Goodwin
@tshastry awesome idea, product, and campaign. Who do you think will get the most use from AMPY? Who would benefit the most from not simply using a charging cord once they've stopped moving around? How warm does AMPY get while charging and discharging?
Tejas Shastry
@tacomanator @tshastry We designed AMPY to fit into the lives of active individuals and give them that extra juice they need everyday. If you live in a city and your phone dies before the end of your day, you already walk enough to get those few more hours of battery life that you need with AMPY. Anyone who's active and who has battery life issues can benefit. AMPY doesn't get warm while charging/discharging like your phone does :)