Enrique Allen

My Desk - A smart task manager for freelancers

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Ben Greenwood
Any release date for a mac app since most freelancers work on a computer so switching to a phone to sort everything seems pretty pointless.
Leif Abraham
@bengreenwood Hey Ben! It's a Web App, as well as iOS. So it's available on your Desktop as well as mobile. Android is launching any day as well.
Adam DePasqua
@leifthunder @bengreenwood Sweet, I didnt even notice that it's available for the iPhone. I do a lot of these things in separate applications. This looks enticing.
Leif Abraham
@adamdepasqua @bengreenwood For sure! :) Hope you like it!
Leif Abraham
Hey Everyone! This is one of our most important product launches yet. So let me tell you a bit about it :) Especially as a freelancer, the lines between running your business and doing the work often blur and it can be hard to focus. That's why we created My Desk. My Desk magically creates the tasks that need your attention and helps you focus only on the stuff you need to do right now. The run down: - My Desk creates tasks automatically based on your projects and contract terms. Project ended? My desk will drop the invoice on your desk for approval. - Create your own tasks and tag them to clients, projects or anything else - Manage your tasks in lists based on any tag in the app - Defer tasks to later dates to keep your desk and mind clean and focused Being able to defer a task is especially helpful as it helps you stay zoned in on what's relevant. Snooze a task you want to go away and come back or set a task to appear on your desk at the time you want. Go try it out! Happy to answer any questions! Woot Woot Leif
I love seeing all these freelance centric applications! Can tasks be linked to emails? Also, are tasks simple 'todo' lists or can it provide status like "in progress" and "delivered"?
Leif Abraham
@dsdesroc Hey Dave! Tasks are always associated to 'tags' and in turn you can make any tag a 'list'. You could create a progress by using the tags, which would move the task from one list into another. We don't have an email integration yet, but pretty cool idea!
Max Guttman
That's a super important thing to call Jennifer Stanton about, I'm relieved it won't fall by the wayside 🍕 (Edit: sorry, didn't mean to post this as a subcomment)
Mario 🦊
Awesome to have worked on this with the team! Have ended up running my own tasks out of this - the simple UI and ability to 'defer' tasks has been super helpful
daniel morgan
Great idea, fair play guys
<3 dis!
Leif Abraham
Thanks for hunting @enriqueallen !
Stowe Boyd
No attachments? No subtasks? No sharing? No comments?
Leif Abraham
@stoweboyd Hey Stowe! Nope :) For now we keep it simple. Attachments are coming soon. As for the rest, these are all features mostly needed when you work with others (think Asana). For now, My Desk is built to serve one-person shops and therefore personal task management, not team task management. But never say never ;) #bieberquotes
Jared Henriques
Coming to Canada soon?
Leif Abraham
@jaredhenriques It's already fully available in Canada! We even have french invoice templates in case you ever invoice someone in Quebec :)
Oliver Batsell
Super dope
Sam Rye
Been loving my and.co lately! I was just comparing back to Cushion, which I used a bit in the past but stopped using as it felt like more overhead than value when I moved to part-time freelance. One thing I did find useful though, was a lightweight approach to visualising leads and capacity. Any plans for this sort of functionality in the future @leifthunder?
Leif Abraham
Sergio Mattei
Awesome, this looks great. I'm on several deadlines and I could definitely use this.
Haashir Mohammed
Hey! This is so cool and I say this as a Freelancer. I've been searching for a platform like this thus far and to my surprise I couldn't find anybody doing it so I actually started building it myself a couple of months back but hey, your approach is completely different and seriously cooler than I thought. The UX is so much better than I had envisioned. If by any means is there anyway I could get involved in this project as well? Seriously Dope ;)
Adam Kimball
After testing this product I have decided its not for me, please assist me in deleting my account.