Leif Abraham

Welcome To Your Independence - The handbook on turning freelance


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I'd love something like this, but as a video series. I'd pay for that.
Zachariah Reitano
This is a much needed resource. And Co keeps innovating and is incredibly helpful for freelancers. Keep it up @leifthunder!
Alex Kehr
For me, the "Understand taxes as a freelancer" is the big one. I'm assuming most new freelancers don't know that they need to do things such as make quarterly tax payments and can incur BIG penalties for missing out on this (I think each month is 3% penalty... so if you don't file for a year, your tax bill increases by 36%).
Leif Abraham
@alexkehr Totally. We also built a Quarterly Tax Calculator to help freelancers calculate their federal quarterly taxes: https://www.producthunt.com/tech... Within AND CO, COs actually remind freelancers to do things like their estimate payments: https://www.producthunt.com/tech...
Antonis Tsagaris
I'd totally buy this if there was a print version.