Harry Stebbings

Angel Insights: Ben Wiener @ Jumpspeed Ventures - The benefits of investor specialisation

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Harry Stebbings
Ben Wiener is the Managing Partner @ Jumpspeed Ventures, self proclaimed to have raised one of the smallest first funds ever with a first fund of $251,000. Due to the immense success of Ben’s first fund he has gone on to raise a further fund 10X the size of the 1st fund. Today is a super interesting interview with Ben in revealing the benefits of having a very tailored and niche approach to investing and choosing one particular segment of the market and nailing it and Ben has clearly done that with Jumpspeed. Do not forget to head over to the site at www.syndicateroom.com to read the accompanying article from our episode with Ben. In Today’s Episode You Will Learn: 1.) How Ben made his entry into the investing world? 2.) Why did Ben decide to be so location focused? Does he fear missing out on deals outside of Jerusalem? How is the current tech market in Jerusalem? 3.) When investing at such an early stage, what does Ben look for in prospective investments with very little KPI’s to go on? 4.) Why did Ben choose to adopt the Betaworks model of a startup studio entrenched within a venture fund? 5.) How important does Ben believe proximity to his investments is? Can long distance investments be sustainable and efficient? 6.) Ben reveals a war story, where he reveals what is going wrong, how it has altered his investing style and how he plans to resolve the situation? Items Mentioned In Today’s Show: Ben’s Fave Book: Traction by Gabriel Weinberg, The European Discovery of America Ben’s Fave Blog: Mattermark Daily, CB Insights, Jerry Newman, Leo Polovets, Mobile Fix by Simon Andrews Ben’s Most Recent Investment: Exigence As always you can follow SyndicateRoom(twitter.com/SyndicateRoom) and Ben (twitter.com/BeninJLM) on Twitter here!
Mark Kahn
Great interview, @BeninJLM and @Harrystebbings! I’m excited for the new reading materials.