Rashid Khasanov

Pitch Deck Database - 700+ decks from the best startups that raised over $355M

Pitch Deck Database is a categorized collection of 700+ pitch decks that frees you from the time-consuming process of research on Crunchbase, SlideShare and personal websites trying to find the investor deck examples that raised funding from investors.

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Rashid Khasanov
Hey Product Hunt 👋 Pitch Deck Database is a categorized collection of 700+ pitch decks from the world's best startups. While we were working on helping startup founders find relevant investors for their projects, we often receive lots of questions, and requests for providing advice on interacting with investors. One of the most common requests that founders make is to review their pitch decks and give them some feedback. This led us to think about resources we could provide, and we've started writing blog articles about examples of successful pitch decks for raising capital. Our metrics indicated that we were providing value, but that wasn't good enough and something better needed to be created. 🤔 Problem We all know the importance of having a solid pitch deck when presenting your company to prospective angel or venture capital investors. Almost every startup you can think of had a killer pitch deck to start. Manually searching for successful pitch deck examples on personal websites, SlideShare and Crunchbase is a tedious and time-consuming process. Let alone putting together a good pitch deck that could impress investors and not leave important questions unanswered. 💡 Solution Pitch Deck Database is a simple and useful product that can help you find investor decks that were used to raise capital, so you can build or improve your own pitch deck. Our platform aggregates the company names, industries, stages of funding, amount of capital raised, total funding raised and websites in one place. So far, the list has grown to over 700+ funding decks complete with their taglines, descriptions and investors that backed them with funding. We will continue to enrich our database as we continue to grow our list. We'd love to hear your thoughts and thanks for your time!
Chris Beaman
First one on the site is Gusto and this is the deck: https://www.slideshare.net/webjo... - a blank template. How many of them are like this?
Rashid Khasanov
@chrisbeaman Hey Chris, thanks for pointing that out. I believe there is only one pitch deck in our database that appears as a template, and it's a deck of Gusto (aka Zenpayroll). As far as we know, that's the only publicly available pitch deck of Gusto, and obviously they haven't used this deck to raise funds. They just provided it as an example for others to build one:)
Larry D. Perkins
@rashid_khasanov Thanks for this make. Certainly comes in handy.
Rashid Khasanov
@perkins_l We are glad to hear that! Let us know if you have any suggestions or feedback on it.
Heven Well
This is a good products
Rashid Khasanov
@heven_well Thank you Heven!
James Quinn
Great for founders! Thanks for sharing.
Rashid Khasanov
@james_afino Thanks James! Let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement.
nice list
Rashid Khasanov
@vetclip thanks!
Dmitry Wasilewski
Taking to my collection. Thank guys!
Rashid Khasanov
@valter We are glad that you found it useful:) Cheers!
Aryon Sunrise Hopkins
Great resource. I just sent it to our Marketing Director as a reference for our pitch deck.
Rashid Khasanov
@aryonhopkins thanks! Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.
Hugo P.
Wow! That's super helpful! Thanks a lot for this product :)
Rashid Khasanov
@hugo_pochet1 It's our pleasure! We are very glad that founders are finding it useful:)
Evelyn Ju
This is great to reference!
Rashid Khasanov
@eeeeej Glad you like it!
Eithiriel DeMerè
Thanks for collecting all of these!
Rashid Khasanov
@nikkielizdemere You are welcome Nichole:) hope it will help lots of founders in their fundraising journey!
Heven Well
This is a products
Ishwar Jha
?makers, It is sure going to help many founders struggling to build funding-ready pitch deck and attract the attention of investors.
Rashid Khasanov
@ishwarjha We hope so:) Our main goal of building this collection of pitch decks was to help founders use these decks as a reference in creating their own ones.
Rob Schuster
Thumbs up!
Chad Keel
I have been on the lookout for something like this for a long time.
Rashid Khasanov
@chadkeel We are glad that you found it :)