Ben Tossell

AngelList Radio - Jason Calacanis - The best way to allocate capital at the seed-stage


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great interviewer... great audio quality
Loved every second of this. Raw honesty is pretty rare these days. @jason is polarizing, exactly as planned (or not). This is why he's respected and feared... disrespected and desired. It's a mix, as it should be. You have to be "relentlessly resourceful"... it's what we're trying to do with TOMO: Get shit done. ... You just shouldn't bet against that guy.
@8bit thanks for the feedback.... I don't think I'm feared by anyone to be honest. I mean, YCombiantor just banned me from #demoday! :-p
Adam Marx
This was a great interview. The audio quality was top-notch, and the topics covered were great in that they moved beyond tech and investing to really discuss people and relationships. @jason and @tylerwillis did a great job with this one, and @AngelList Radio certainly benefits from it. Here's a quick rundown of the important takeaways I put together on the conversation: https://adammarxsmind.wordpress....