Gozde Aksay

AngelList Track - Mission control for recruiting—100% free ✌️

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Cagri Aksay
Hello Product Hunt! We built Track to help startups manage their recruiting with ease. At AngelList, our mission is to help startups and founders in the most meaningful ways possible. When chatting with founders, we learned that recruiting remains one of their biggest challenges—and a surprisingly large number of companies still use spreadsheets and Trello boards to track their applicants. That’s why we decided to build a simple, free Kanban board for recruiting. I hope you love Track as much as the hundreds of startups already using it. Please let me know if you have any questions about Track or need help starting up. You can also reach me at cagri@angel.co. p.s. I'd like to thank https://track.tax team for graciously letting us use their AngelList profile URL for our landing page.
Thilo Konzok
@cagriaksay @angel Hi! We've been using Track extensively, but since a few days applicants don't show up in the APPLIED board anymore (only if we click on Recruiting and then click on Applicants). Any idea how to fix this?
Ryan Hoover
Well done, @cagriaksay. Are you using this data (e.g. the stage a person is at in the hiring process) to better inform AngelList's ranking of talent and how people are surfaced to companies? Any plans to?
Cagri Aksay
Thanks Ryan! We are not using the data, but we may offer a way for companies to anonymously share data with each other. We’ve got a lot of ideas. :)
Gabriel Lewis
Drag and Drop Candidates?
Harsha Halvi
That Silicon Valley reference got me in the minute i saw it :) Android app is being made.?
Cagri Aksay
@h_halvi we don't have any plans for a Track app yet, but check out AngelList Startup Jobs app for recruiting https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/...
Giselle Gonzalez ツ
Congrats to you and the team! I always recommend AngelList as a place to source high-quality job opportunities.
Ryan Marr
I've hired 2 people through AngelList. This is a great addition. Beats keeping track of applicants in 3 or 4 different places.
Oliver Dumoulin
Love the Silicon Valley reference ;) trying this out now!
It feels like Hiring meets Scrum. Awesome product from Angellist.
Samir Doshi
CRM on steroids for recruiting ---- love the Kanban view
Nick Zieber
I think it's definitely a great looking tool. As a recruiter, I am a bit disappointed that "No Recruiters" is a selling point. When people hire me to find them a developer it's usually because they have tried and failed, so I have to go the extra mile to find someone great. I sincerely hope that there will be more innovation like this in the hiring space, since it makes everyone's lives easier.
Vamshi Vangapally
Such a simple idea of managing job applicants. So excited to see this and felt ashamed of not thinking this way ever before!!!