Niv Dror

AngelList Weekly - The best of the startup world, curated weekly πŸ’Œ


AngelList Weekly is a collaboration between Product Hunt & AngelList, bringing you the best of the startup world. The newsletter explores one main topic each week (failure is critical for innovations, blockchains, how to build a career in tech) while highlighting top products and jobs in the space. Subscribe at

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Niv Dror
Hello! Very excited to launch this. The AngelList Weekly is one of the first collaborations between Product Hunt and AngelList, focusing on one tech related topic each week, and highlighting top products and job opportunities around it. Credit to @GrahamJenkin on the design and @RachelHay on the engineering. πŸ› πŸš€ πŸ€” Would love your feedback on the first 3 editions: No. 1 – Elon Musk didn't pivot πŸ’₯ No. 2 – Biggest innovation since the Internet β›“ No. 3 – Startup advice from top founders & investors πŸ“˜ We're still figuring out what content works best and what people would like to see. Any and and all feedback welcome, as well as ideas for new sections to add, content ideas, the goal here is to create something people want to read on Sundays. πŸ’Œ Subscribe at
Kesava Mandiga
@grahamjenkin @rachelhay @nivo0o0 BTW, clicking "Subscribe" tool me a to a blank page with a single line of plain text "{"message":"Thanks for subscribing!"}"... Is this by design?
Niv Dror
@k3sava I think so, but that would be a questions for @rachelhay
Rachel Hay
@k3sava Sorry about that! Taking a look.
Product Pearson
Great to see some collab between AngelList and PH. Apart from the Jobs functionality, I don't see much of it at the mo!
Niv Dror
@theashtube yup, we'll slowly exploring what we can do together, hopefully the newsletter helps with more collaborations 🐱✌️
Sooraj Chandran
One of the few newsletter I would love to see in my inbox!
Niv Dror
@iamsooraj every Sunday ✨
I love how the content from both AL and PH fit together. Basically, the newsletter can cover all topics for startups and product people/makers. I think it is great to just keep experimenting with the content, what to focus more on, etc, and readers would give their feedback. My small feedback: in the 3rd edition I would expect content from AngelList first, and then by ProductHunt. So the main content first, and a lil promo content about the book after :) But again, would be interesting to see different approaches and experiments (both on the topic covered and focuses). Good luck! πŸ™‚
Niv Dror
@aleks_muse well, the book was the content for the 3rd edition πŸ’ but good feedback
Jared Halpern
Nice work, Niv, Rachel, Graham. Signing up!
Niv Dror
@jaredehalpern thanks! :)
I'm getting this message, any ideas? Anything to do with running a VPN? "AngelList is experiencing technical difficulties. Sorry about that. We've been notified, so please stay tuned. Seeing this page a lot? Visit for info."
Niv Dror
@marty @alexey_pedosenko AngelList was down briefly earlier this morning, all fixed now πŸ’ͺ
Dre DurrπŸ’‘
Very Dope 🚬🚬🚬 If this is the only newsletter I can read for a month. What makes it different from so many of the other awesome newsletters?
Yet another newsletter to look forward to! Crush it, Niv! πŸ”₯
Niv Dror
@arunsathiya πŸ™
Karim Maassen
This thing is perfect! Thanks for whipping this up! Looking forward to the quality content!
Nice idea! This will help startups to have even more audience and funding.
Kevin Lou
Looking forward to seeing this in my inbox! Great work πŸ™Œ
Jason Briscoe
Love it, however upon entering my email address am given a 'Email must be a working address' error!?
Niv Dror
@jbriscoe can you email or let me know what email you used and we can look into?
Niv Dror
@jbriscoe update: you should be good now πŸ‘
just signed up. Once per week will be awesome!
Abhilash Jain
Will be looking forward to receive this.
kramer james
I'm looking forward to receiving this happy wheels