Jack Smith

Business Angel List - Over 10,000+ Business Angels listed from around the world!


Business Angel List was created to help entrepreneurs cut through the most tedious and gruelling task of launching a startup: finding Angel Investors with direct contact information.

We give entrepreneurs a deeper understanding of who they’re reaching out to, by providing a ready made list of potential Angels that are furnished with their professional email address and information of their business background. This list also adds value to startups outside of the mega tech hubs, who will now have a leg up to the playing field.

Filter the Angels you'd like to see by location (city or country), the company they work for (or broaden it to the the industry they're involved in) and customise your pitch by gaining a deeper understanding of their business history through their LinkedIN Profile. All investors self identify as Business Angels, consolidated from various investment networks!

California: 1,007

New York: 884

Boston: 478

United Kingdom: 1,060

India: 775

Australia: 440

Germany: 335

..and over 200 more locations worldwide!

Product Hunt users are eligible for a $15 off discount, with the code PH15. Exclusive for our first month from launch!

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Benjamin Low
As one of the investors who funded this project, I'm very pleased with how it has been executed. Website looks great, it's user friendly and the size of the investor list is impressive. Part of the reason why I invested is because I believe that the information provided would be useful for startups who are looking for funding, as this gives them quick insight to the background of the Angels they're pitching to. Good job, team! Well done.
Alisha Jackson
@benjamin_low Thanks for believing, Ben!
Alisha Jackson
Conceived with the mission to empower entrepreneurs, Business Angel List was built after months of researching various investment networks. Our team assembled a list of active, self-identified Business Angels, with the goal of helping your startup cut through the time consuming task of sourcing for investors. Filter the Angels by location, current job information, industry; and take a look at their LinkedIN Profiles for a deeper understanding of whom you’re reaching out to. Then send an email directly to the relevant Angels that you think would be most interested in what you are building. We use this list for our own fundraising purposes too :) If received well, we’ll dig deeper and look into helping you find mutual connections with these Angels, which should help you get a warmer introduction. Perhaps also Angels who have worked in the same company as you, went to your college or high school etc. One of the coolest things about this is; due the sheer size of the database, we can add so much value in helping startups outside of the mega tech hubs get in touch with Business Angels (ie. over 300 Angels listed in Florida, 299 in Singapore, 270 in France). So if you have a hard time finding connections, this will give you a leg up to the playing field. Go ahead and check out how many Business Angels we have listed in your city, by visiting our Preview page: https://businessangellist.com/pr....
Tharun Kumar

The number of Angels listed in India look very promising to me, this list will be very helpful for my startup


Very Useful


As of now no Cons


Pumped to see how this evolves. Sourcing investors is SUCH a pain. Hopefully this will cut down on the amount of time this takes for startups. Best of luck!


Very helpful. Sourcing investors should save a lot of time


Noting I can think of

Hi there. How has the response been so far? Have people started using it?
Alisha Jackson
@alexsmall711 Hi Alex, the response has actually been great! A number of startups have found investors in the private beta version we had up (prior to launching here), and we're already getting a whole bunch of subscribers from this posting in the past few hours.
@shjcksn pretty awesome. Any promos for product hunters? :)
Alisha Jackson
@alexsmall711 Yes! As noted in the product description, Product Hunt users are eligible for a $15 off discount, with the code PH15. Exclusive for our first 100 subscribers!
@shjcksn sweet. Ok. I have some friends who will love this. I'll share it around. best of luck with your project, and congrats on launching! pumped to see where you take it.
Alisha Jackson
@alexsmall711 Fantastic! Thanks Alex, we appreciate the feedback :)
Oscar Diaz

Just signed up. It makes a lot of sense if you are looking to get in contact investors. Good stuff, I'll be sure to share this with my network


exhaustive list of investor contacts


not sure yet

Danielprabhakaran N

Great platform guys, really like how this was executed. My team is beyond grateful for how much time this will save us!

It's so useful for my friend's startup also.


Nice idea, Great Implementation, Useful


Not for now


We have started contacting the angels in here and it's safe to say that they're all legit. Great work, guys!


Legit contacts



Abbas Shan



Neat list. Lots of options for startups who are looking to expand to different countries too. Congrats!



Marta Baena

Nice idea, we can´t wait to try it, actually now that we are crowdfunding would be a great help. Good luck with it and we'll keep and eye on this.


Interesting idea


Still in development

Alisha Jackson
Hey Wave, thanks for the review :) However, I'm not sure why you've noted that we're still in development? We've moved past the beta version and this is our live production!
Bassam Infotech
I'm grateful for the article, It's Really looking forward to read more. Awesome, I truly appreciate this post.Thanks Again. Want more. If you interested to know more information please click our Link below https://goo.gl/a24t9F
Markus Ahman
Does it Angelist.com where registration here.
Alisha Jackson
@markusahman Hey Markus, sorry but I'm not so clear on what you mean. You can register here: https://businessangellist.com/pr...
Michael Todd
How does this differ from Pitchbook?
Alisha Jackson
@tradeplayz_mt Hey Michael, Pitchbook is for funds who are looking to raise money from other funds ie. you wouldn't use this to raise money for your startup, you'd use it to raise money for your VC firm. We help early stage startups connect with Angel Investors. As far as we're aware, there's nothing else in the world that allows you to connect directly with this many Angel Investors.
Looks like a bunch of angel investors will be changing their emails soon… lol
Alisha Jackson
@jamescampbell Hey James, the Angel contacts listed on our site are publicly available anyway. We've consolidated them from various investment networks, so don't think anyone would be changing their email address :)
Erik Garcia
Do you ask permission from these angel investors before you publish their info? I ask only because I could see an investor being unhappy about receiving even more "I have a great idea" pitches. I am simply curious. Congrats on the launch!
Alisha Jackson
@erikwgarcia Hey Erik, thank you! The contact information listed are publicly available information that we've consolidated into one place. However, most Angels do not know that they're on the site.
Bassam Infotech
@ERP_Software I'm grateful for the article, It's Really looking forward to reading more. Awesome, I truly appreciate this post.Thanks Again. Want more. If you interested to know more information please click our Link below https://goo.gl/n1RQZg