Brian Swift

Answers for OS X - The #1 analytics solution for iOS, now on OS X

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Brian Swift
Hey Product Hunters! I'm Brian, PM for Answers @Twitter. We just released Answers for OS X -- love to hear your thoughts!
Jack Sitt
@bswift what would you say are the top couple of features that differentiate it from other tools like Itunes Connect analytics and FB analytics.
Shashwat Pradhan
@bswift does Crashalytics work on OS X too?
Brian Swift
@shashwatpradhan @bswift Yes :) In addition to iOS, Crashlytics works for OS X (, as well as tvOS (
Keith Barney
I was wondering if you could provide proof that it's #1?
Brian Swift
@keithbarney Thanks for the question, Keith! You can see our blog post on the topic here (, which highlights the rankings done by SourceDNA (
Marshall Moutenot.v5
Looks great, Brian & team!
Martin Otyeka
I'm confused - Are you saying you have an OS X app or Answers analytics can now track OS X apps?
Brian Swift
@otymartin Answers analytics can now track OS X apps
Stephen Radford
James Zhang
Big fan of Fabric & Answers for iOS. Not building any OS X apps right now but just wanted to say that the entire Fabric kit is fantastic :)
Eran Kampf
Hey Brian, Would love the ability to be able to do some more drilling into the data. Like see more than top 4 attribute values for example. Other than that, Answers is pretty neat and easy to integrate
Brian Swift
@ekampf Thanks for the feedback, Eran! We have plans to improve the amount of attribute data we show. I'll keep you in the loop as we make progress :)
Roman Rybalchenko
Hello! Interesting product. Do you have acquisition source analytics? In comparison to GA for apps what features do you have exclusively?