Hey everyone! 👋
After the big success of Ant Design System for Figma one year ago - today I'm excited to announce my next resource. This time it's the UX Toolkit based on Ant Design. It will help you at an early-stage of your UX design process especially when designing Ant Design based app.
🌍 Visit the official website👀 Preview in Figma▶️ Get free demoIncludes:
- 137 Wireframing Components based on Ant Design System
- 51 Flow and Documentation Components
- 21 Figma styles
- 5 Examples
- Create user flow diagrams with pages, components and arrows
- Design wireframes and plan layouts with Ant Design based components
- Plan your product or website with sitemap components and arrows
- Plan the structure of your components before going high fidelity
- Give feedback or make notes with post-its
- Customize all styles and components easily with Figma
- Describe your pages and flows
Get it with Ant Design System for Figma:Included in the Business License (Team)Get it independently:$16 - Individual License$32 - Business License (up to 2 Editors)$40 - Business License (up to 5 Editors)$48 - Business License (Unlimited Editors)