Charlie Irish

Apache Weex - A framework for building mobile cross-platform UIs


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Eek Snider
Can we downvote ? Because I am tired of frameworks. Seriously
@kucukkanat this is a great idea for a JS framework that allows people to easily add a "downvote" button with just one line of JavaScript, and a few npm dependencies..... :D
Philipp Wüthrich
It's like react native but instead of using react, it uses Vue.js
Andrew Richard
Is It based on progressive technologies like service worker and the manifest?
Simeon Kim Duke
Well I guess Vue is catching on. .
Paul Tomkinson
Vue is amazing. Weex (essentially native view for Vue), may eventually become amazing too, we'll see how it progresses over the next half yr or so. Either way, Vue2 is highly HIGHLY recommended.
Andrew Richard
No pictures or videos about this. It seems alibaba cloud uses it.
Lorenzo Bruno
Lately I feel like there are more frameworks coming out than actual mobile apps :)
Joshua Pinter
Tough road ahead going head to head against React Native but some of the best designers/developers say nothing but great things about Vue.js so I'm keen to check it out eventually. If you're seriously interested in this, check out the Vue.js intro guide and see if that hits a chord with you first:
Khaled Nobani
Is it ready now for production usage ?
Csaba Kissi
Seems to be promising. I'm happy to see this using Vue.js
Blake Barber
Good idea! Seems perspective