⏺ Record and upload videos simultaneously ⚡️ Offer lightning-fast screen and camera recordings to your users 📺 Enrich your products and apps with video messaging 💻 Demo: upstream.a.video
🎁 50% on plans for 3 months: email us at hello@api.video
Congratulations on the progressive upload feature launch @erskingardner and the rest of the api.video team.
We've been using api.video to deliver the livestream video experience for large scale arena shows across our web and app platforms with great success.
The integration into our platforms made the project a breeze.
Looking forward to seeing what is next
@ivan_garcia95 Seems to be working well. Did you have an error message? Don't hesitate to reach us on the chat on api.video or directly at hello@api.video
👋 Hey there PH community!
Thanks @benln for hunting us! 🙌
We're super excited to launch the Progressive Upload API & Clients today: a radically new way to let your app's users simultaneously create and upload their videos, making their content available in seconds, just after they end their recording!
❓ The problem
As a product builder, most of your users are unaware of what it takes to make their videos ready to play in seconds, not minutes. And if it doesn't load in 1 second, they complain, or worse, churn. So, you have to offer the best possible workflow and playback experience to keep them happy.
✅ Our solution
While we can't make end-users more patient, Progressive Upload can make videos available for playback 88% faster :)
There is no need to create a video locally, upload it, and then wait for transcoding before getting a link to share.
Your users press record, and once they finish recording, their video is available almost immediately worldwide! ⚡
🛠️ What you can build with it
- In a social app: empower your users to engage by letting them record videos with one click.
- In a messaging or e-learning app: offer your users the seamless experience of recording their screen and camera to share ideas.
- In a video-conference solution: push the session to api.video to get a high-quality video recording available right after the meeting.
- With IoT and ground cameras: get recordings of what they see in seconds.
✌️ Write a few lines of code with the help of our API Clients without needing expertise in video/media transcoding, hosting, or streaming.
❤️ We have to thank our developer community for inspiring this product idea! We can't wait to see what you will build with api.video 🙌🏼
Check out the tutorial
or directly try it for yourself! https://upstream.a.video/
Looks very good and powerful! We'll most likely try this out when building our recording feature at Vidjet!
Congrats on the launch @cedric_io and your team! 💪
@jules_boiteux2 thanks for your support :) Indeed, with our API and progressive upload a developer could manage hundreds of user recordings at a time 😃
Really nice feature !
We are eager to implement this progressive upload feature in our website beeready.io, an async video platform that connects people who have a hiring appointment with experts to train them and maximize their chances of getting the job they are applying for.
Our end-users must focus on their training, not the technical steps needed to record themselves and upload the video on our platform.
Your feature is super impressive, and we will be happy to be able to provide such an experience to our users! Good luck with the launch!
@chang_dawson great question, Loom is a fantastic product but we wanted to bring this ability to create recordings to developers so that they could create that themselves in their apps :)